Well 2007 is nearly over and it has been a good year.
I thought I might make chili today and watch my Buffs, who seem determined to embarrass themselves tonight in the Independence Bowl. But I went over to help E with her speaker situation. We made some progress, getting surround sound working through the receiver, TV and DVD downstairs AND getting receiver and TV in half the upstairs. A visio would have been helpful, though nothing was labeled. She showed her appreciation by buying brunch at Bell St. Mama's, where I had a #32 omelet that caused me to burp onions for several hours.
Finally finished ripping all the CD's in the jukebox. And I'm embarassed to say that I just yesterday realized that iTunes could do a big fat random shuffle of everything. I'm thinking about spending a little and going iPod in the living room. A big iPod classic and run it through the receiver. I'm about to fill up the 300 jukebox, though frankly, some of it is just crap that needs to be removed: Gretchen Wilson... I'm not responsible for that. CD's are just so 1990-something.
And, another embarrassing confession especially for a big-time IT geek, I've gone IE free on the laptop. Well, I'm not using it. Except to check work OWA. And I sure wish I could get complete remote access to work on Vista.
I may be one of about four people in the office tomorrow. Great day to clean the desk and have a McRib.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
surya namaskar x one-oh-eight
This evening I will be celebrating the winter solstice (a few days early) with 108 Sun Salutations, a short meditation and a potluck. The yoga world is big on 108 sun salutations, especially on New Year's Day, but also on the solstices and maybe the equinoxes. My yoga studio has an annual celebration. But before anyone is too impressed by thinking of me doing 108 chaturanga dandasanas ... we modify this quite a bit ... Six sets of six lifting the arms and down to namaste, six forward bends and six full vinyasas. So really it's only 36 chaturangas.
Which might be challenging enough since I swam 1700 and lifted yesterday.
I would like to find someplace that does the full 108 sometime. Not sure I could really keep count by myself. I wonder how that would feel long about 50, let alone 80. Wonder how long it would take.
At any rate, 108 is a special number in Buddhism and Hinduism. The mala, or prayer beads, has 108 beads. There are some other references to 108 as well - http://www.lovearth.net/108.htm.
Watched the Cyclocross Championships today. Very cool. Very muddy. Very snowy. I think I might be too big a baby to do cyclocross. I like getting dirty but there is a lot of injury potential there flying around muddy corners with 40, 50 or 60 others.
Discovered that I should own long underwear and waterproof boots.
Which might be challenging enough since I swam 1700 and lifted yesterday.
I would like to find someplace that does the full 108 sometime. Not sure I could really keep count by myself. I wonder how that would feel long about 50, let alone 80. Wonder how long it would take.
At any rate, 108 is a special number in Buddhism and Hinduism. The mala, or prayer beads, has 108 beads. There are some other references to 108 as well - http://www.lovearth.net/108.htm.
Watched the Cyclocross Championships today. Very cool. Very muddy. Very snowy. I think I might be too big a baby to do cyclocross. I like getting dirty but there is a lot of injury potential there flying around muddy corners with 40, 50 or 60 others.
Discovered that I should own long underwear and waterproof boots.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
icy cold Saturday ...
- I wish we'd just get snow instead of freezing rain or drizzle. I don't understand how it can be 22 degrees and any kind of 'rain' happening. I guess we have a big moisture flow from the Gulf, so it's too warm up high or down low or something. At any rate, I'm really hoping the power doesn't go out. It's an inconvenience in the summer, but really sucky in the winter.
- Tried 'Power Yoga' for the second time last night and it was much better. I think the class was easier but I felt better as well. Sadly, it's moving to 4:30 pm in January and I'm pretty sure that won't work. The instructor, who sorta looks like a taller buffer Lucy Liu, teaches at other studios as well so maybe I can continue.
- Went out last night to Marty's Blues Cafe in lovely Merriam. A local band was playing and one of the women who played Janis Joplin at the KC Rep earlier this year was with them. She was awesome. Not sure if she was the Janis I saw, but nonetheless a good show. And they had some good Steak and Bean Chili ...mmmm.
- And driving home I got to meet Officer Friendly from the Mission PD ( I guess ) who pulled me over for going 5 or 10 miles above the speed limit on Johnson Drive. So really, what right do they have to ask where you've been. Obviously he's out looking for drunks.
OF: So where have you been?
Me: We've been out listening to some music (true).
OF: Did you have anything to drink?
Me (heart thumping away big time): I had a couple beers (so what's a couple really ... two three four?).
So he goes back to run my license or whatever they do back there. Meanwhile, my friend reminds me that I did have just three beers and we'd been there over three hours, so it was not likely that I was impaired in any way. After a couple minutes or six hours, OF comes back and asks me to step out of the car. We go behind my car, and it's a little damn cold outside, OF points to a spot on the ground for me to stand and says that due to me saying that I had a couple drinks and the fact that he could smell alcohol (don't know how over all that effin' smoke), he was going to give me a field sobriety test and was that OK?
Me ( thinking I had read that you should never take one but not knowing what the hell that would mean): Sure.
OF: I am going to have you follow the light on my pen with your eyes, without moving your head. Do you understand?
Me: Yes.
OF: Do you wear contacts?
Me: Yes.
OF: Hard or soft?
Me: Soft.
OF: Well if you need to blink, you just let me know.
So he moves this pen thing around. I follow it. Finally, I did have to blink and told him so. He moved it from side to side and then up and down. Then he says to go have a seat in the car.
After another few minutes or hours, OF comes back with my license and insurance card and said he was giving me a verbal warning and he saw no signs of impairment so he stopped the test and buckle up and drive home safely.
I knew I wasn't hardly buzzed, let alone drunk. My god, I've driven home in far worse shape sad to say, but I sure was happy to not even get a speeding ticket. And thank goodness for the less than attentive service or I might have had another beer or two.
- Tried 'Power Yoga' for the second time last night and it was much better. I think the class was easier but I felt better as well. Sadly, it's moving to 4:30 pm in January and I'm pretty sure that won't work. The instructor, who sorta looks like a taller buffer Lucy Liu, teaches at other studios as well so maybe I can continue.
- Went out last night to Marty's Blues Cafe in lovely Merriam. A local band was playing and one of the women who played Janis Joplin at the KC Rep earlier this year was with them. She was awesome. Not sure if she was the Janis I saw, but nonetheless a good show. And they had some good Steak and Bean Chili ...mmmm.
- And driving home I got to meet Officer Friendly from the Mission PD ( I guess ) who pulled me over for going 5 or 10 miles above the speed limit on Johnson Drive. So really, what right do they have to ask where you've been. Obviously he's out looking for drunks.
OF: So where have you been?
Me: We've been out listening to some music (true).
OF: Did you have anything to drink?
Me (heart thumping away big time): I had a couple beers (so what's a couple really ... two three four?).
So he goes back to run my license or whatever they do back there. Meanwhile, my friend reminds me that I did have just three beers and we'd been there over three hours, so it was not likely that I was impaired in any way. After a couple minutes or six hours, OF comes back and asks me to step out of the car. We go behind my car, and it's a little damn cold outside, OF points to a spot on the ground for me to stand and says that due to me saying that I had a couple drinks and the fact that he could smell alcohol (don't know how over all that effin' smoke), he was going to give me a field sobriety test and was that OK?
Me ( thinking I had read that you should never take one but not knowing what the hell that would mean): Sure.
OF: I am going to have you follow the light on my pen with your eyes, without moving your head. Do you understand?
Me: Yes.
OF: Do you wear contacts?
Me: Yes.
OF: Hard or soft?
Me: Soft.
OF: Well if you need to blink, you just let me know.
So he moves this pen thing around. I follow it. Finally, I did have to blink and told him so. He moved it from side to side and then up and down. Then he says to go have a seat in the car.
After another few minutes or hours, OF comes back with my license and insurance card and said he was giving me a verbal warning and he saw no signs of impairment so he stopped the test and buckle up and drive home safely.
I knew I wasn't hardly buzzed, let alone drunk. My god, I've driven home in far worse shape sad to say, but I sure was happy to not even get a speeding ticket. And thank goodness for the less than attentive service or I might have had another beer or two.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
cranksgiving ....
This afternoon I participated in KC Bike Fed's Cranksgiving. Which apparently has been going on all over the country for awhile. Google it. Anyway, I thought it would be a nice, easy short ride around the Brookside Market, the Chopper, etc to pick up some food for donation to somewhere ...
So I rode down to the starting point on Troost and picked up the manifest. Well ... I had never ever been in any of those stores, even the tiny Wild Oats on Main. And it just got better from there. All over the east and northeast of KC. 20-plus miles by the time I got home from the afterparty at Grinders.
I thought maybe a couple people I knew would be there, but they weren't. A nice guy named Keith, who reminded me of my cousin Mike, started chatting with me and then asked if I wanted to ride with him. I was happy for the offer, because even though I probably could have found most of the stores, especially by following the pack, it was nice to have someone sorta watching out for me.
I felt bad that I probably slowed him and his sweet Kona road bike down, since I was on the silver bullet, which weighed even more after a couple of stops for canned goods. But he wasn't worried about 'winning' and we ended up being the 11th and 12th finishers anyway. Once again, this is not a cycling town for babies. My legs were already nearly tapped from yesterday's 37 miles to Longview and chugging up these hills really made them scream.
It was an interesting selection of stores. I wasn't sure if some of those places would have enough stuff, but it seemed to be OK. We east to Van Brunt, then up through the northeast, along St John and Independence Ave. I sure was glad to empty my bag of cans and the nice, puffy bag of organic stuffing mix from Wild Oats.
So I rode down to the starting point on Troost and picked up the manifest. Well ... I had never ever been in any of those stores, even the tiny Wild Oats on Main. And it just got better from there. All over the east and northeast of KC. 20-plus miles by the time I got home from the afterparty at Grinders.
I thought maybe a couple people I knew would be there, but they weren't. A nice guy named Keith, who reminded me of my cousin Mike, started chatting with me and then asked if I wanted to ride with him. I was happy for the offer, because even though I probably could have found most of the stores, especially by following the pack, it was nice to have someone sorta watching out for me.
I felt bad that I probably slowed him and his sweet Kona road bike down, since I was on the silver bullet, which weighed even more after a couple of stops for canned goods. But he wasn't worried about 'winning' and we ended up being the 11th and 12th finishers anyway. Once again, this is not a cycling town for babies. My legs were already nearly tapped from yesterday's 37 miles to Longview and chugging up these hills really made them scream.
It was an interesting selection of stores. I wasn't sure if some of those places would have enough stuff, but it seemed to be OK. We east to Van Brunt, then up through the northeast, along St John and Independence Ave. I sure was glad to empty my bag of cans and the nice, puffy bag of organic stuffing mix from Wild Oats.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I feel kinda bad. Somehow Ann has managed to find something to write about every day in November. I will aim for a new post each day I change out my disposable contact lenses (twice a month).
I actually had to work ALOT the last couple weeks. And mostly I liked it. We got our DS3 working on our WAN and it's really sweet to hear people say things work well, instead of the usual bitching that goes on. I did not like the 3:30 a.m. call from the Helpdesk that was NOT EVEN MY PROBLEM but it happens. That's why they pay me the big bucks, right?
Took off a little early today and rode some crunchy leaves at SMP. Those deer out there have zero fear of humans. I literally almost hit one while riding. As stupid as I think hunting is, they might need to have a bow and arrow hunt out there or something because it has to be very overpopulated and there will be starving deer this winter.
Every nice day must be savored now, as each one could be the last for months. Though, really, you could cycle through much of the KC winter if you weren't a big baby like I am about being cold on my bike.
It's hard to believe it is nearly Thanksgiving. Last year, I made a traditional dinner of chicken burritos in the Crock Pot. This year, I'm thinking enchiladas, but with green sauce, and in the oven, not slow cooker. I may go to the Plaza Lighting and there's a chance I may score a grandstand ticket for the festivities.
And I am taking the whole four days off. Many years, I like to go in on Friday, since no one is there and I can leave early anyway to catch the CU-Husker game. I will not enter any retail establishment for the entire weekend.
I actually had to work ALOT the last couple weeks. And mostly I liked it. We got our DS3 working on our WAN and it's really sweet to hear people say things work well, instead of the usual bitching that goes on. I did not like the 3:30 a.m. call from the Helpdesk that was NOT EVEN MY PROBLEM but it happens. That's why they pay me the big bucks, right?
Took off a little early today and rode some crunchy leaves at SMP. Those deer out there have zero fear of humans. I literally almost hit one while riding. As stupid as I think hunting is, they might need to have a bow and arrow hunt out there or something because it has to be very overpopulated and there will be starving deer this winter.
Every nice day must be savored now, as each one could be the last for months. Though, really, you could cycle through much of the KC winter if you weren't a big baby like I am about being cold on my bike.
It's hard to believe it is nearly Thanksgiving. Last year, I made a traditional dinner of chicken burritos in the Crock Pot. This year, I'm thinking enchiladas, but with green sauce, and in the oven, not slow cooker. I may go to the Plaza Lighting and there's a chance I may score a grandstand ticket for the festivities.
And I am taking the whole four days off. Many years, I like to go in on Friday, since no one is there and I can leave early anyway to catch the CU-Husker game. I will not enter any retail establishment for the entire weekend.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
well now what ...
Maybe I blog about something other than working out. Because really I think about other things, quite a bit actually.
I have a running list in my head of what I would put in another online dating profile, if I ever bothered with such a thing. Here is something ....
I like ...
- natural light
- being offline
- NPR on the way to work
- flowy singletrack in the fall, with the leaves crunching under my tires and the light fading
- a beer or two after a good workout
- Friday Night Lights
- problem solving
- having a whole house to myself, in lonely times and not
- a cold afternoon spent bowling, drinking yellow beer and eating yellow food
- Kansas City, for better or worse
- burritos
I have a running list in my head of what I would put in another online dating profile, if I ever bothered with such a thing. Here is something ....
I like ...
- natural light
- being offline
- NPR on the way to work
- flowy singletrack in the fall, with the leaves crunching under my tires and the light fading
- a beer or two after a good workout
- Friday Night Lights
- problem solving
- having a whole house to myself, in lonely times and not
- a cold afternoon spent bowling, drinking yellow beer and eating yellow food
- Kansas City, for better or worse
- burritos
the perfect race ....
The whole purpose of all this blogging was training for the KC Half Marathon, that happened almost two weeks ago. And yet I have failed to enter my race report ... well I've been busy.
And others really covered it pretty well in their recap of the weekend.
But really it was a perfect race, with the one exception that it wasn't run under my own name, so I can't claim it on athlinks.com or print out the results for proof when I'm old(er), fat(ter) and slow(er) that I once ran a very respectable half-mary. But that's not why I run ...
I was concerned about my head cold, the fact that I had done a long, albeit slow, run just over a week before the race and frankly had very little running base.
Sister Ann covered the pre-race meal and porta-potty snafu pretty well. My neighbor convinced me the night before the Sedalia Du that a full-bodied beer would be better carbo-loading. Since I went out and had a good race then I decided it would work well for the half as well. But mostly I hydrated alot the day before, on top of my generally well-hydrated self.
So the race starts and I'm in line to pee. But with chip timing it wasn't that much of a concern. And I'm really glad I did because I had NO g-i issues during the race and those can really suck, even though they had porta-potties along the way.
I took off at a fairly slow pace, I thought, and quickly caught several of the marathon pace groups - 5:30, 5:15, 5:00, etc. I decided if I caught 4:00, I would need to chill, but I never did. I was running faster than a 4-hour full marathon pace, but they must have had too much of a head start.
The race was pretty packed in through about 2 miles. I saw a girl from spin class chugging up the hill to the Liberty Memorial. She is running the NYC marathon this weekend and was going to do 20 miles of the marathon course. I had to expend alot of energy getting around people at this point. And the tight turn by the Memorial was a bit of a traffic jam.
But finally we started to unclog along 31st (?) and I saw Ann and Tim at about the 3 mile mark on Main. I still felt great at that point and was happy to know that my first couple miles were well under 9 minute pace and they felt slow!!
We chugged down Main to Westport, all of it pretty flat I think. One good thing about a porta-potty delay is that I passed people for almost the whole race, which believe me, is alot better than going out too fast and getting passed by everyone later.
There weren't huge crowds of people except along the Plaza and at the end, but there were people along the course the whole way. I love that in a race.
We turned down Roanoke and it was a slight downhill to 47th, where I knew my parents would be somewhere. I guess it was near mile 6 when I saw them. I still felt great, still holding back a little, because, hey, 13 miles is a long freakin' way.
My neighbor and her little dog were further east on 47th. I actually wasn't even looking up when she yelled to me.
All of this was pretty flat. We made the turn onto Troost and then Gillham. I took a little water around mile 8. Had to stop and walk of course because I cannot drink from a cup and run at the same time. Not sure I can drink from anything and run actually.
At that point I started looking for Ann, Tim, Lisa or Hazel. They were further up, as the race headed into Hyde Park, mile 9 maybe? I was starting to feel it a bit then and the little tiny incline up Harrison that seemed negligible in the car was a beyotch at that point. Fortunately, I'm still around alot of folks. Plenty of room but plenty of things to look at. My favorite was along Paseo when someone drove down the sidewalk to get to the sidestreet, because apparently waiting for an empty space in the race was too much.
The suckage point was there by the time we got to 18th and Vine, but somehow I managed to keep pushing the pace. I would love to know my splits in this race because I'm pretty sure I ran a negative split. Of course the stretch down Paseo was a slight decline, which helped, but wreaked havoc on my quads for two days afterwards.
After the loop-de-loop around there, we headed down 18th for the last mile. I pretty much know the order of the streets in my head, so I just counted them down ... Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak ....
Final little surge by the TWA building and then downhill into the Freighthouse. My family and Lisa were there along the finish line, which was pretty packed, or so it seemed. I was starting to get a big time cramp in my left calf, so I was trying to land on my heel to stretch it out and not crap out with 100 ft left. Seeing everyone there was a big boost and I charged across the finish line and checked my watch... WOOHOO ... 1:52:44!!!!!!
Back when this whole endeavor got started, and I doubted my ability to run enough to train for this, I wanted to do as well as I had done in the Hospital Hill and Humana half marathons that I had done in 2002-03, 2:02. I felt pretty good in those races until the 10 mile point, where I just nosedived and lost alot of time.
As my training went on and I did a few shorter races, I thought doing 9 mile pace - 1:58 - might be possible or maybe if I had a really awesome day, a 1:55. Somehow I am a little faster though I run much less than I did four or five years ago. And my overall conditioning is MUCH better due to cross-training. I have good muscle memory for running, due to 20 years of it, so I didn't have to build up to the pounding of running as much.
I think I managed to avoid the 10 mile crash because of some 30 mile hard rides with E and my duathlons, which took about 2 hours. And my previous half-marys were pre-yoga, which obviously has done much for my flexibility.
Or maybe it's 'cause I was only 31 ....
And others really covered it pretty well in their recap of the weekend.
But really it was a perfect race, with the one exception that it wasn't run under my own name, so I can't claim it on athlinks.com or print out the results for proof when I'm old(er), fat(ter) and slow(er) that I once ran a very respectable half-mary. But that's not why I run ...
I was concerned about my head cold, the fact that I had done a long, albeit slow, run just over a week before the race and frankly had very little running base.
Sister Ann covered the pre-race meal and porta-potty snafu pretty well. My neighbor convinced me the night before the Sedalia Du that a full-bodied beer would be better carbo-loading. Since I went out and had a good race then I decided it would work well for the half as well. But mostly I hydrated alot the day before, on top of my generally well-hydrated self.
So the race starts and I'm in line to pee. But with chip timing it wasn't that much of a concern. And I'm really glad I did because I had NO g-i issues during the race and those can really suck, even though they had porta-potties along the way.
I took off at a fairly slow pace, I thought, and quickly caught several of the marathon pace groups - 5:30, 5:15, 5:00, etc. I decided if I caught 4:00, I would need to chill, but I never did. I was running faster than a 4-hour full marathon pace, but they must have had too much of a head start.
The race was pretty packed in through about 2 miles. I saw a girl from spin class chugging up the hill to the Liberty Memorial. She is running the NYC marathon this weekend and was going to do 20 miles of the marathon course. I had to expend alot of energy getting around people at this point. And the tight turn by the Memorial was a bit of a traffic jam.
But finally we started to unclog along 31st (?) and I saw Ann and Tim at about the 3 mile mark on Main. I still felt great at that point and was happy to know that my first couple miles were well under 9 minute pace and they felt slow!!
We chugged down Main to Westport, all of it pretty flat I think. One good thing about a porta-potty delay is that I passed people for almost the whole race, which believe me, is alot better than going out too fast and getting passed by everyone later.
There weren't huge crowds of people except along the Plaza and at the end, but there were people along the course the whole way. I love that in a race.
We turned down Roanoke and it was a slight downhill to 47th, where I knew my parents would be somewhere. I guess it was near mile 6 when I saw them. I still felt great, still holding back a little, because, hey, 13 miles is a long freakin' way.
My neighbor and her little dog were further east on 47th. I actually wasn't even looking up when she yelled to me.
All of this was pretty flat. We made the turn onto Troost and then Gillham. I took a little water around mile 8. Had to stop and walk of course because I cannot drink from a cup and run at the same time. Not sure I can drink from anything and run actually.
At that point I started looking for Ann, Tim, Lisa or Hazel. They were further up, as the race headed into Hyde Park, mile 9 maybe? I was starting to feel it a bit then and the little tiny incline up Harrison that seemed negligible in the car was a beyotch at that point. Fortunately, I'm still around alot of folks. Plenty of room but plenty of things to look at. My favorite was along Paseo when someone drove down the sidewalk to get to the sidestreet, because apparently waiting for an empty space in the race was too much.
The suckage point was there by the time we got to 18th and Vine, but somehow I managed to keep pushing the pace. I would love to know my splits in this race because I'm pretty sure I ran a negative split. Of course the stretch down Paseo was a slight decline, which helped, but wreaked havoc on my quads for two days afterwards.
After the loop-de-loop around there, we headed down 18th for the last mile. I pretty much know the order of the streets in my head, so I just counted them down ... Holmes, Cherry, Locust, Oak ....
Final little surge by the TWA building and then downhill into the Freighthouse. My family and Lisa were there along the finish line, which was pretty packed, or so it seemed. I was starting to get a big time cramp in my left calf, so I was trying to land on my heel to stretch it out and not crap out with 100 ft left. Seeing everyone there was a big boost and I charged across the finish line and checked my watch... WOOHOO ... 1:52:44!!!!!!
Back when this whole endeavor got started, and I doubted my ability to run enough to train for this, I wanted to do as well as I had done in the Hospital Hill and Humana half marathons that I had done in 2002-03, 2:02. I felt pretty good in those races until the 10 mile point, where I just nosedived and lost alot of time.
As my training went on and I did a few shorter races, I thought doing 9 mile pace - 1:58 - might be possible or maybe if I had a really awesome day, a 1:55. Somehow I am a little faster though I run much less than I did four or five years ago. And my overall conditioning is MUCH better due to cross-training. I have good muscle memory for running, due to 20 years of it, so I didn't have to build up to the pounding of running as much.
I think I managed to avoid the 10 mile crash because of some 30 mile hard rides with E and my duathlons, which took about 2 hours. And my previous half-marys were pre-yoga, which obviously has done much for my flexibility.
Or maybe it's 'cause I was only 31 ....
Monday, October 15, 2007
#101 - why you should BYO mat to yoga
I don't get why folks who do yoga on a regular basis don't spring for a $20 mat of their own. After my first class, I went out and got my own. Granted, I have a thing about feet and I don't want to be using some mat that a bunch of dirty, sweaty feet have been all over, but even without that phobia ...come on.
I have either a little head cold or allergies and I dripped on my mat several times tonight. Now some places charge $1 for mat rental and then claim to clean them. But really, why do you want to be swapping foot cooties, if not more, with strangers?
Yesterday was one of those beautiful fall days that you must take advantage of because you never know how many more you will get. I took off for a leisurely, albeit hilly, ride to downtown KC and then back on the West side.
I have either a little head cold or allergies and I dripped on my mat several times tonight. Now some places charge $1 for mat rental and then claim to clean them. But really, why do you want to be swapping foot cooties, if not more, with strangers?
Yesterday was one of those beautiful fall days that you must take advantage of because you never know how many more you will get. I took off for a leisurely, albeit hilly, ride to downtown KC and then back on the West side.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
CU game is fugly. Guess I didn't even need points, I'm still buying lunch.
It must have poured for at least six hours, starting at 3 am today. Several huge thunderclaps right overhead, with the best coming about 9:30 this morning that brought down the cable line, including internet and phone, and set off the alarm. My neighbors told me they thought lightning actually hit the house. If it did, it thankfully did not fry any electronics as far as I can tell.
I had no choice but to elliptical for 30 minutes, which was sorta fun since I never do it any more. Nice to rediscover the ipod.
Last night swam 1650. It mostly sucked. I feel like I just thrash around. Then had Sharp's garlicky veggie-chicken pasta, which I like, but it sure doesn't like me a few hours later. Especially with a huge storm going on above me.
Thursday night, the LONG run. I think I wanted to do 9 - 10 miles. But since I have no gadgets, I have to guess and assume that a slow training pace is about 9 minute miles. So I should have run not much more than 90 minutes. But I got it in my head that I needed to run 1:45. So I ended up doing the entire Trolley Trail, well Volker - 85th, round trip. It was about 1:41. Felt really great except for my back, which was tight for the last two-thirds at least. When I got home, it nearly spasmed for awhile. Finally, it mellowed with some ibuprofen and very gentle stretching. Weird. Running rarely bothers my back, especially when I do it late in the day.
I should have done that run last week as it's getting too close to the race. The big race that all were gunning for this year. Yet somehow it looks like it will be me and my lonesome for a couple hours on Saturday morning. Well and a few hundred of my closest friends.
It must have poured for at least six hours, starting at 3 am today. Several huge thunderclaps right overhead, with the best coming about 9:30 this morning that brought down the cable line, including internet and phone, and set off the alarm. My neighbors told me they thought lightning actually hit the house. If it did, it thankfully did not fry any electronics as far as I can tell.
I had no choice but to elliptical for 30 minutes, which was sorta fun since I never do it any more. Nice to rediscover the ipod.
Last night swam 1650. It mostly sucked. I feel like I just thrash around. Then had Sharp's garlicky veggie-chicken pasta, which I like, but it sure doesn't like me a few hours later. Especially with a huge storm going on above me.
Thursday night, the LONG run. I think I wanted to do 9 - 10 miles. But since I have no gadgets, I have to guess and assume that a slow training pace is about 9 minute miles. So I should have run not much more than 90 minutes. But I got it in my head that I needed to run 1:45. So I ended up doing the entire Trolley Trail, well Volker - 85th, round trip. It was about 1:41. Felt really great except for my back, which was tight for the last two-thirds at least. When I got home, it nearly spasmed for awhile. Finally, it mellowed with some ibuprofen and very gentle stretching. Weird. Running rarely bothers my back, especially when I do it late in the day.
I should have done that run last week as it's getting too close to the race. The big race that all were gunning for this year. Yet somehow it looks like it will be me and my lonesome for a couple hours on Saturday morning. Well and a few hundred of my closest friends.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
random post #99
I had a fantastic week of pseudo-vacation. Five days of training on the BlueCoat web proxy/cache appliance, conveniently located in the Crossroads neighborhood of KC. Let's see what was so cool about it -
1 - NO DRIVING on 435. In fact, I drove one day out of five. I rode my bike three days and took the MAX once. And I only drove Friday because I had the course books and did not want to tote them around all over First Friday and Beer-a-rama.
2 - No beige cubicle land.
3 - Five days of lunches, from local places: Bulldog, JackStack, Cigar Box, Lidia's and the Hereford House. Can't beat that with a stick. No strip malls!
4 - A chance to remember that, really it's cool to work in IT. Now let's hope that will stick past tomorrow ...
So I got a nice, easy 12 mile ride three days. It was unseasonably warm most of last week, but still cool enough in the morning to not have to worry about a change of clothes or excessive sweating.
Other random thoughts:
I finished the next-to-last week of my 'swim a mile' program. By sometime the week after next, theoretically, I will be able to swim a mile (1650 yards, which actually is a metric mile 1500m, and not a true mile, which is 1760 yards) without 'stopping.'
Why is it that the minute I am done swimming and stand up, I have to pee like a racehorse?
A good 30 miler on the bike this morning. That may be it for the season, with the darkness in the early mornings and the questionable weather. I doubt I will ride much next weekend since I need to get in a 10 mile run, probably Thursday, which will leave my legs dead for a few days.
And two weeks from today is the half-mary. Which I may be running as if I'm 31 all over again. Hmmmm.... I do believe I'm faster now, what up with that? Nevertheless, I still hope to break two hours. If I can do nines the whole way, that's 1:55. My PR is 1:47 but really that doesn't much count, it was the Georgetown-Idaho Springs half, which loses 1000 ft in elevation over the course. Not happening on these hills here ....
I've run two KC half courses in 2:02-ish. The good thing about this year's course is the relatively long, flat stretch from 8 or 9 in. At Hospital Hill 2003, I wanted to cry as I hit mile 10 going up effin' JC Nichols Pkway from the Plaza. And as I recall, climbing out of River Market at the Humana 2002 Half towards the finish was equally painful.
1 - NO DRIVING on 435. In fact, I drove one day out of five. I rode my bike three days and took the MAX once. And I only drove Friday because I had the course books and did not want to tote them around all over First Friday and Beer-a-rama.
2 - No beige cubicle land.
3 - Five days of lunches, from local places: Bulldog, JackStack, Cigar Box, Lidia's and the Hereford House. Can't beat that with a stick. No strip malls!
4 - A chance to remember that, really it's cool to work in IT. Now let's hope that will stick past tomorrow ...
So I got a nice, easy 12 mile ride three days. It was unseasonably warm most of last week, but still cool enough in the morning to not have to worry about a change of clothes or excessive sweating.
Other random thoughts:
I finished the next-to-last week of my 'swim a mile' program. By sometime the week after next, theoretically, I will be able to swim a mile (1650 yards, which actually is a metric mile 1500m, and not a true mile, which is 1760 yards) without 'stopping.'
Why is it that the minute I am done swimming and stand up, I have to pee like a racehorse?
A good 30 miler on the bike this morning. That may be it for the season, with the darkness in the early mornings and the questionable weather. I doubt I will ride much next weekend since I need to get in a 10 mile run, probably Thursday, which will leave my legs dead for a few days.
And two weeks from today is the half-mary. Which I may be running as if I'm 31 all over again. Hmmmm.... I do believe I'm faster now, what up with that? Nevertheless, I still hope to break two hours. If I can do nines the whole way, that's 1:55. My PR is 1:47 but really that doesn't much count, it was the Georgetown-Idaho Springs half, which loses 1000 ft in elevation over the course. Not happening on these hills here ....
I've run two KC half courses in 2:02-ish. The good thing about this year's course is the relatively long, flat stretch from 8 or 9 in. At Hospital Hill 2003, I wanted to cry as I hit mile 10 going up effin' JC Nichols Pkway from the Plaza. And as I recall, climbing out of River Market at the Humana 2002 Half towards the finish was equally painful.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
no one's blogging ...
Ran tonight for the first time since Sunday. The knee bothered me quite a bit and then my hip. Weird, it hadn't hurt for days. I have not been icing because it did not hurt and that was probably a mistake ... Other than that, I had a nice 50 minute run on the trail.
Spinning Monday and Wednesday. Monday was tough I tried to take it easy but it was still hard after the race on Sunday.
Swim 1500 on Tuesday. It actually felt easier.
Race on Sunday. 5K-30K-5K. 1:54 time. Hit the first 5K at a blazing, for me, 23:46. I was second female off the run, the lead woman who would win the race, was a fast runner.
T1 was slow. Guess maybe I ought to work on those some.
The bike was hard, I thought, at least on the way out. It was gradually uphill and into the wind. The race was so small that there were few people around me for the most part. I tried to drink my powerbar drink and eat a couple clifshots but the drink was pretty sweet and eating was hard. I'm not sure I'm destined to be able to eat much while going that hard. Finished the bike in just over an hour, for an 18 mph average, which made me happy. I cranked out quite a bit of it in the big ring too.
T2 also very slow.
Second 5K was really hard, especially the last mile. My time was just over 27, slightly under 9 min pace, but I bet I was close to 8:30 for the first couple miles. It was heating up, I was wearing a bike jersey and I was tapped.
I finished third female - out of, ahem, four. The first three finished within a couple minutes of each other. I was happy with my times but saying I was third of four.. eh. The fourth was over 60 and she finished in a little over two hours. I sure I hope I can do that in 20 years!
This race was small but fun. I'd probably do it again, though I don't dig driving an hour and a half before a race. We also got a nice technical shirt, not the usual cotton. Unfortunately, the medium I got is pretty large.
I was 15/29 of all solo entries. It seems that the multi-sport in KC draws a hard-core group. The other du I did this year was also pretty hard-core. It makes me happy to know I can hang with the big kids.
So I was happy with my effort. Somehow I seem to crash at about 1:30. I thought swigging some electrolyte drink would help but I couldn't get enough down. I need to water that down. It didn't taste that sweet before the race!
Next up, 13.1 miles of fun! I hope to get in a 10-11 miler next week and a few short easy runs, but this will be interesting running a half on relatively little actually running.
Spinning Monday and Wednesday. Monday was tough I tried to take it easy but it was still hard after the race on Sunday.
Swim 1500 on Tuesday. It actually felt easier.
Race on Sunday. 5K-30K-5K. 1:54 time. Hit the first 5K at a blazing, for me, 23:46. I was second female off the run, the lead woman who would win the race, was a fast runner.
T1 was slow. Guess maybe I ought to work on those some.
The bike was hard, I thought, at least on the way out. It was gradually uphill and into the wind. The race was so small that there were few people around me for the most part. I tried to drink my powerbar drink and eat a couple clifshots but the drink was pretty sweet and eating was hard. I'm not sure I'm destined to be able to eat much while going that hard. Finished the bike in just over an hour, for an 18 mph average, which made me happy. I cranked out quite a bit of it in the big ring too.
T2 also very slow.
Second 5K was really hard, especially the last mile. My time was just over 27, slightly under 9 min pace, but I bet I was close to 8:30 for the first couple miles. It was heating up, I was wearing a bike jersey and I was tapped.
I finished third female - out of, ahem, four. The first three finished within a couple minutes of each other. I was happy with my times but saying I was third of four.. eh. The fourth was over 60 and she finished in a little over two hours. I sure I hope I can do that in 20 years!
This race was small but fun. I'd probably do it again, though I don't dig driving an hour and a half before a race. We also got a nice technical shirt, not the usual cotton. Unfortunately, the medium I got is pretty large.
I was 15/29 of all solo entries. It seems that the multi-sport in KC draws a hard-core group. The other du I did this year was also pretty hard-core. It makes me happy to know I can hang with the big kids.
So I was happy with my effort. Somehow I seem to crash at about 1:30. I thought swigging some electrolyte drink would help but I couldn't get enough down. I need to water that down. It didn't taste that sweet before the race!
Next up, 13.1 miles of fun! I hope to get in a 10-11 miler next week and a few short easy runs, but this will be interesting running a half on relatively little actually running.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Busy at work this week.
But tried to come up with a good taper plan for Sunday's race ... especially given how dead my legs were on Saturday.
Sunday was the first day of the 1500 yard swims. That's a lot of swimming for me. It starts off with 600 then a 10 breath break, 300 and an 8 breath break, then four sets of 100 with 6 breaths between each and finally four sets of 50 with four breaths between each. The four and six breath breaks are really, really short, fyi. I have a couple more weeks on this plan and then I need to work on some drills or lessons or something. I feel like I'm really thrashing and flailing around.
Monday and Wednesday spin classes. Monday night yoga. Tuesday night an easy 30 minute run. Wednesday night at the Lyric Opera.
I had hoped to mountain bike Thursday but the SMP trails were still too wet, so I swapped for my Friday plan, another 1500 in the pool.
Saturday will be a hydrating and resting day ...
Curious about this... it shows nearly 25 miles when I thought the bike was 30K or about 18 miles ...
And is this hilly?
But tried to come up with a good taper plan for Sunday's race ... especially given how dead my legs were on Saturday.
Sunday was the first day of the 1500 yard swims. That's a lot of swimming for me. It starts off with 600 then a 10 breath break, 300 and an 8 breath break, then four sets of 100 with 6 breaths between each and finally four sets of 50 with four breaths between each. The four and six breath breaks are really, really short, fyi. I have a couple more weeks on this plan and then I need to work on some drills or lessons or something. I feel like I'm really thrashing and flailing around.
Monday and Wednesday spin classes. Monday night yoga. Tuesday night an easy 30 minute run. Wednesday night at the Lyric Opera.
I had hoped to mountain bike Thursday but the SMP trails were still too wet, so I swapped for my Friday plan, another 1500 in the pool.
Saturday will be a hydrating and resting day ...
Curious about this... it shows nearly 25 miles when I thought the bike was 30K or about 18 miles ...
And is this hilly?

Saturday, September 15, 2007
urgh - waiting for my Buffs to come on ...
The Buffs are to be on ESPN but I'm watching the Alabama-Arkansas game which won't end and listening to the game on the web ....
Let's see. I did about 8 miles (I think) Thursday night, 1:13. Quads really hurt DURING the run, which is weird. But felt strong otherwise, plenty of gas in the tank. I'll do about 90 minutes in a couple weeks and that's probably it for "long runs" until the half.
I wanted to get in a long ride this weekend, so went out with E for about 30 this morning. It was cold (< 50) and all over sucky. I had NO energy. I couldn't even catch her up the hill to Swope dammit. My legs were dead. I need to chill this week to get ready for the Sedalia du.
Swimming has become a recovery day activity for me. Next swim is 1500 yards!
I went on a fun ride with the outspokin group last weekend and may go tomorrow evening as well.
w00t - the Buffies are moving the ball...
Let's see. I did about 8 miles (I think) Thursday night, 1:13. Quads really hurt DURING the run, which is weird. But felt strong otherwise, plenty of gas in the tank. I'll do about 90 minutes in a couple weeks and that's probably it for "long runs" until the half.
I wanted to get in a long ride this weekend, so went out with E for about 30 this morning. It was cold (< 50) and all over sucky. I had NO energy. I couldn't even catch her up the hill to Swope dammit. My legs were dead. I need to chill this week to get ready for the Sedalia du.
Swimming has become a recovery day activity for me. Next swim is 1500 yards!
I went on a fun ride with the outspokin group last weekend and may go tomorrow evening as well.
w00t - the Buffies are moving the ball...
Monday, September 3, 2007
labor day
My neighbors invited me over for burgers for Labor Day. I got to play with their 1 year old little girl, who enjoyed a dinner of baked beans and couscous!
Earlier today, I rode with E to Longview Lake and back, about 37 miles. Not a great ride, though my furthest this year and on my road bike. Pretty hilly ride and I faded big time in the last 5. Need to get that second cage and ride with some Heed or something.
Sunday, I got up and ran about 30 minutes easy, cleaned like a maniac and then swam 1250 yards. Amazing how good that felt, except towards the end when my left shoulder started to bug me. I don't think I'll ever be a fast swimmer but I'm confident that I can have some serious swim endurance some sweet day.
Saturday - rode about 60 - 90 minutes with some mountain bike girls. I like to ride with other people but I like to keep going. I'm slow on the rocks but I don't like to stop. I'm old and I just stiffen up.
Friday - swam the last 900 yard workout and lifted.
Earlier today, I rode with E to Longview Lake and back, about 37 miles. Not a great ride, though my furthest this year and on my road bike. Pretty hilly ride and I faded big time in the last 5. Need to get that second cage and ride with some Heed or something.
Sunday, I got up and ran about 30 minutes easy, cleaned like a maniac and then swam 1250 yards. Amazing how good that felt, except towards the end when my left shoulder started to bug me. I don't think I'll ever be a fast swimmer but I'm confident that I can have some serious swim endurance some sweet day.
Saturday - rode about 60 - 90 minutes with some mountain bike girls. I like to ride with other people but I like to keep going. I'm slow on the rocks but I don't like to stop. I'm old and I just stiffen up.
Friday - swam the last 900 yard workout and lifted.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
That's how long I ran tonight - felt good. I was a little worried cause my knee was sore all day after cyclocross clinic last night, but it was fine.
So hitting the hour mark (well close) is important is a good sign that I'll be able to run 13.1. I bet I could do it right now, in fact, if I had to. Right this very moment in fact, after half a box of Kraft mac and cheese and two beers.
What else? Wish I'd discovered the logical swim plan earlier. I really have to learn the bilateral breathing, though, as I'm getting a bit of a sore neck. Coach Sarah is going to help me learn to tread water better too.
Spin class is back. Need to wear the HRM there again. Really need a smart training plan.
Not sure cyclocross is for me right now but I will probably give it a go at the next clinic. I need to work on my old hybrid because I can't lug that mountain bike around.
So hitting the hour mark (well close) is important is a good sign that I'll be able to run 13.1. I bet I could do it right now, in fact, if I had to. Right this very moment in fact, after half a box of Kraft mac and cheese and two beers.
What else? Wish I'd discovered the logical swim plan earlier. I really have to learn the bilateral breathing, though, as I'm getting a bit of a sore neck. Coach Sarah is going to help me learn to tread water better too.
Spin class is back. Need to wear the HRM there again. Really need a smart training plan.
Not sure cyclocross is for me right now but I will probably give it a go at the next clinic. I need to work on my old hybrid because I can't lug that mountain bike around.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
highlights from the last week and a half
well it's still hot. Or it was until today. Somehow mid-80's seems cool. Actually it was quite cool this morning at 7 am when I headed out to meet E for a long road ride. I sure hate getting up early on a weekend (or a weekday for that matter) but love having 30-plus miles done by 9 am.
The best thing about the ride today was getting caught behind a pickup towing a smoker .... It never got above 15 mph so we were stuck behind it going up a hill. I thought maybe a barbecued rib or chicken bit might come flying back. Only in KC ...
What else. ... I'm on week 2 of the 0-to-1650 program. This week is 900 yards. I seem to have trouble remembering if I'm on #3 or #4 of the 100 yard sets.
Thursday was a really hot, windy and sucky road ride at SMP. I should have mountain biked to avoid the wind. I only did 13.5 because it was soooooo crappy. I also dropped my chain so had to stop and fiddle with that.
Wednesday was a nice 50 minute run. I hope to build up the long runs by 5 mins a week. I'm not sure that will get me all the way to 13.1 but I'm not sure I can handle much more.
There were some other swims, a particularly hot and cruddy run to Loose Park. A nice mountain bike workout. etc. The usual.
The best thing about the ride today was getting caught behind a pickup towing a smoker .... It never got above 15 mph so we were stuck behind it going up a hill. I thought maybe a barbecued rib or chicken bit might come flying back. Only in KC ...
What else. ... I'm on week 2 of the 0-to-1650 program. This week is 900 yards. I seem to have trouble remembering if I'm on #3 or #4 of the 100 yard sets.
Thursday was a really hot, windy and sucky road ride at SMP. I should have mountain biked to avoid the wind. I only did 13.5 because it was soooooo crappy. I also dropped my chain so had to stop and fiddle with that.
Wednesday was a nice 50 minute run. I hope to build up the long runs by 5 mins a week. I'm not sure that will get me all the way to 13.1 but I'm not sure I can handle much more.
There were some other swims, a particularly hot and cruddy run to Loose Park. A nice mountain bike workout. etc. The usual.
crayons ...
You are most like: | ||
You are bold with a dark side. You make clear lines wherever you go, though you color outside of the lines. Many people may just see the surface of you and think you are merely plain, but you have a lot of depth to you as well.
| ||
Take this quiz: Which Crayola Box of 8 Color Are You? | ||
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I want to - not have to
I finally felt like I had a good workout, for the first time in days. I hit the gym for swimming and lifting. I am going to try this: http://ruthkazez.com/SwimWorkouts/ZeroTo1mile.html to build up my swim endurance. I also received the Total Immersion DVD today. This swim was as enjoyable as any since there was no pressure trying to make sure I could cover 750 meters without stopping. There's a world of difference between the pool and OWS but I have to feel more confident swimming if I'm going to complete a tri. Then I lifted, something I have not done for a few months. I've atrophied a little.
Next up, maybe a duathlon in Sedalia in September. It's only $20. Then the half in October.
So my focus has to be on running, at least the long runs. I am hoping to build more endurance on the bike and even the dumb swimming so I don't fade in mile 10 as I have in my last half-marathons. I would really like to get in under 2 hours. But if my knee - or other joints - start bothering me, I may decide to prod Annie along in another run.
Next up, maybe a duathlon in Sedalia in September. It's only $20. Then the half in October.
So my focus has to be on running, at least the long runs. I am hoping to build more endurance on the bike and even the dumb swimming so I don't fade in mile 10 as I have in my last half-marathons. I would really like to get in under 2 hours. But if my knee - or other joints - start bothering me, I may decide to prod Annie along in another run.
Disappointment and Victory
I just could not do it. The distance in the open water at Tri for the Cure just freaked me out. A half-mile swim was about my outer limit in a pool and seeing how far those buoys were just did me in. No excuses, I wussed out. Physically I was probably capable, but I couldn't shut down the mind and let the body take over. I really never was able to do much in OWS practice and most of my swims in the last month really sucked.
So I met Annie at the bikes. Since we were in the non-competitive wave anyway AND the race was so frippin' huge, it really didn't matter( at least officially ) that I didn't swim.
I pushed Ann faster on the bike than I think she thought she could do and then prodded her along on the run and refused to let her walk after the halfway point. She finished with an awesome 1:41.
I was mightily disappointed in myself and really didn't know what to do about the upcoming KC Women's Tri. Ann came back to KC with me and we went out to Kill Creek for OWS practice. I managed to go out to the buoys a few times but my head was out of it. I'd already quit on open water swimming.
I think I came up with the brilliant idea to see if we could become a team for the KC race, instead of individuals. We'd already both paid so it was no loss to them. And, lo and behold, the friendly woman at registration switched us like no big deal.
Ann did the swim and bike and I ran. The swim was shorter (500 m) and really quite a bit of it was pretty shallow. Visually, it looked much shorter and the time-trial start was much less crowded. Plus the whole race was much smaller and just all-around more relaxed.
Ann did about what she predicted on the swim. Since teams had to start at the back, she passed alot of women and finished in 12-something. Then she totally kicked ass on the bike, doing the 10 mile course in 34 minutes. I was blown away when she came in as quickly as she did. We excitedly exchanged the chip and I took off.
I had hoped it bring it home in less than 25 minutes, since I had done nothing but stand and sit around all morning. However, we are in the midst of a massive heat wave. I'm not sure what it was at 9-something a.m. but I'm sure it was well into the 80's with humidity and bright sun. I took off a little fast and hit the first mile at 7:49, so I knew I was in trouble. I never really got into my happy running place but that's OK. It was an out and back course and it was cool to see all the runners. Everyone was so friendly and encouraging each other. I know the whole 'Tri for the Cure' thing is inspirational and all but I really felt more inspired and part of things in this event. An old friend of mine from the Library was there doing her first tri. We high-fived on the run!
OK - so I ran a 25:35. Not bad given the conditions. I have done quite a bit of training in the heat but never at that kind of pace. So I was a little woozy when I crossed the finish line.
But we won the team category by 9 minutes! 1:13 ! We got medals and we both won door prizes. I don't have anything but good things to say about this race. Next year, I want to do it solo. I would do Tri for the Cure again maybe as a team. It was well organized for as big as it was. KC had great swag and was much less chaotic. You just have to deal with the August heat.
So I met Annie at the bikes. Since we were in the non-competitive wave anyway AND the race was so frippin' huge, it really didn't matter( at least officially ) that I didn't swim.
I pushed Ann faster on the bike than I think she thought she could do and then prodded her along on the run and refused to let her walk after the halfway point. She finished with an awesome 1:41.
I was mightily disappointed in myself and really didn't know what to do about the upcoming KC Women's Tri. Ann came back to KC with me and we went out to Kill Creek for OWS practice. I managed to go out to the buoys a few times but my head was out of it. I'd already quit on open water swimming.
I think I came up with the brilliant idea to see if we could become a team for the KC race, instead of individuals. We'd already both paid so it was no loss to them. And, lo and behold, the friendly woman at registration switched us like no big deal.
Ann did the swim and bike and I ran. The swim was shorter (500 m) and really quite a bit of it was pretty shallow. Visually, it looked much shorter and the time-trial start was much less crowded. Plus the whole race was much smaller and just all-around more relaxed.
Ann did about what she predicted on the swim. Since teams had to start at the back, she passed alot of women and finished in 12-something. Then she totally kicked ass on the bike, doing the 10 mile course in 34 minutes. I was blown away when she came in as quickly as she did. We excitedly exchanged the chip and I took off.
I had hoped it bring it home in less than 25 minutes, since I had done nothing but stand and sit around all morning. However, we are in the midst of a massive heat wave. I'm not sure what it was at 9-something a.m. but I'm sure it was well into the 80's with humidity and bright sun. I took off a little fast and hit the first mile at 7:49, so I knew I was in trouble. I never really got into my happy running place but that's OK. It was an out and back course and it was cool to see all the runners. Everyone was so friendly and encouraging each other. I know the whole 'Tri for the Cure' thing is inspirational and all but I really felt more inspired and part of things in this event. An old friend of mine from the Library was there doing her first tri. We high-fived on the run!
OK - so I ran a 25:35. Not bad given the conditions. I have done quite a bit of training in the heat but never at that kind of pace. So I was a little woozy when I crossed the finish line.
But we won the team category by 9 minutes! 1:13 ! We got medals and we both won door prizes. I don't have anything but good things to say about this race. Next year, I want to do it solo. I would do Tri for the Cure again maybe as a team. It was well organized for as big as it was. KC had great swag and was much less chaotic. You just have to deal with the August heat.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
taper? we don't need no stinkin' taper ...
Better for me to not go crazy from not working out hard enough ....
Yesterday I wanted to go for a good long run (~50 minutes). It was hot and humid but a little overcast so no problem. Headed south on the TT, got about 15 minutes out and had a little nagging tightness in the knee, more in the quad muscle than the knee. So I stopped and stretched it out a little and thought I could keep going. But it kept bothering me. So I turned around at about 17 minutes. I rarely cut a workout short, but I really would hate to jeopardize what should be the easiest part of a tri for me.
Later I massaged out my quadriceps, the left was a little knotted up.
Today, I worked out in the air-conditioned comfort of the gym. 30 minutes on the elliptical. Felt a little strange as I have not ellipticaled in months. But I got to listen to my ipod, which I haven't done in months either. And I knew I would do a nice long stretch afterwards.
Then to Pizza 51 for a veggie delight slice. Lots of spinach and broccoli!
Yesterday I wanted to go for a good long run (~50 minutes). It was hot and humid but a little overcast so no problem. Headed south on the TT, got about 15 minutes out and had a little nagging tightness in the knee, more in the quad muscle than the knee. So I stopped and stretched it out a little and thought I could keep going. But it kept bothering me. So I turned around at about 17 minutes. I rarely cut a workout short, but I really would hate to jeopardize what should be the easiest part of a tri for me.
Later I massaged out my quadriceps, the left was a little knotted up.
Today, I worked out in the air-conditioned comfort of the gym. 30 minutes on the elliptical. Felt a little strange as I have not ellipticaled in months. But I got to listen to my ipod, which I haven't done in months either. And I knew I would do a nice long stretch afterwards.
Then to Pizza 51 for a veggie delight slice. Lots of spinach and broccoli!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Working backwards ....
Tonight, I did three good laps at SMP. I felt a little sluggish, with two easy days and all. Or maybe it's that I continue to eat and felt fat. Anyway, it was a good ride. I felt both fatigued and yet stronger going up the hill. Then I had a rather tasty burrito from Midtown Burritos across from Costco.
Monday - Swam for 30 - 40 minutes. Mixed in some breaststroke and backstroke. I am feeling very undertrained on the swim. It seemed like I did alot of swimming, but that was only relative to doing none previously. I think my first steps will be to take a lesson at UMKC and get the Total Immersion DVDs.
Usually, I have yoga on Mondays but this was the first of the two weeks that it is closed. Too bad, it would have felt good. I did a good post-swim stretch.
Sunday - Easy 15 miles at Longview.
Saturday night - I wanted to go downtown to some of the Fringe Festival events but could not bear the thought of getting back in the car. So I rode down to the library and saw "Flow" about jazz musician Terance Blanchard. Then I rode down and met my friends in River Market and we went to Harry's Country Club for a beer. Then I rode home. So that was about 15 miles. Slow but hilly. That might not have helped the leg situation.
But I am all better now.
Tonight, I did three good laps at SMP. I felt a little sluggish, with two easy days and all. Or maybe it's that I continue to eat and felt fat. Anyway, it was a good ride. I felt both fatigued and yet stronger going up the hill. Then I had a rather tasty burrito from Midtown Burritos across from Costco.
Monday - Swam for 30 - 40 minutes. Mixed in some breaststroke and backstroke. I am feeling very undertrained on the swim. It seemed like I did alot of swimming, but that was only relative to doing none previously. I think my first steps will be to take a lesson at UMKC and get the Total Immersion DVDs.
Usually, I have yoga on Mondays but this was the first of the two weeks that it is closed. Too bad, it would have felt good. I did a good post-swim stretch.
Sunday - Easy 15 miles at Longview.
Saturday night - I wanted to go downtown to some of the Fringe Festival events but could not bear the thought of getting back in the car. So I rode down to the library and saw "Flow" about jazz musician Terance Blanchard. Then I rode down and met my friends in River Market and we went to Harry's Country Club for a beer. Then I rode home. So that was about 15 miles. Slow but hilly. That might not have helped the leg situation.
But I am all better now.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Prairie Punished ...
I thought Saturday's 'Prairie Punisher' short course du would be a good hard workout and a nice brick opportunity. It's a 5K Run, 27.5K bike (17 miles), 5K Run, in the exurb of Gardner. After finally locating Gardner Friday, who knew there were two exits for Highway 56 and the Old one is still Olathe, I picked up my packet.
Set the alarm for 5 am. Had cheerios and milk and a banana. I had my snacks ready to go: a jelly sandwich, animal crackers and a Hammer gel. I also had a bottle of HEED mixed up. I figured there was alot of time between breakfast plus the the race length is in the zone where you might need nutrition, though I have never messed with it for a half-mary, which takes me about as long. As it turned out, I could not stomach the thought of the gel in that heat, though I did have a bite of sandwich in T1.
Anyway, I actually make it plenty of time, lots of room still in the transition zone. We got body-marked and given an ankle chip. Love the body marking. So fun to see how old everyone is. The velcro strap on the chip was very irritating during the second run.
Before the race, I figured an optimistic time prediction was 1:55 - 8 min pace on the first 5K, complete bike in slightly over an hour, 9 min pace on second 5K. It rained overnight a bit, just enough to really make it steamy. There was some cloud cover, however, as we started.
I missed the first mile marker but I guessed I was roughly on 8 minute pace, which felt a little quick given the humidity and the rest of the race, but depending on where exactly 5K was, I think I was a little better than 8. The course was basically flat, just a couple little rises in the road.
T1 went fine. I got my shoes off and on pretty quickly given that I don't have those quickie lace thingies and my bike shoes have laces (and velchro). It felt great to be on the bike to stir up the air a bit. It was just so heavy in the humidity, not quite hot yet, but so thick. I loved the bike course. It was more or less flat but a few rolling hills. I am so glad I have trained at SMP, which is a real biotch compared to this course. I probably could have pushed the pace a little, but I held back some. Plus I had a tiny little cramp in my left calf about mile 10. I actually unclipped to move it around (probably not a great idea but it seemed to help). It went away after a couple miles but it made me a little cautious. The only time I got passed by multiple people was during the cramping. I was passed a few times otherwise but no more than I passed people.
My bike average was 18.2, a new high for me. I was pretty happy with that, especially since I have not had many rides over 15 miles. T2 was OK. The first steps off the bike weren't bad. I was more worried about how hot it was to be on the run since the clouds had burned off. I really didn't want to drink much but I did have a couple swallows - I had been drinking water on the bike as well, nearly emptied the big water bottle.
Second run was like running in slow motion. I didn't really feel bad but I just could not move any faster. I caught two women in my age group on the run, one of whom I remembered from the bike where we swapped places a couple times, but I don't know how the other girl got that far ahead of me. I hung with a couple guys who were pushing the pace. The second half back in was tough but I think I ended up around 9 minute pace. Hard to tell until they post the complete results.
So I cross the finish line, a volunteer hands me a bottle of water. This race had great support, well-marked, volunteers at every turn, plenty of water and gatorade, very nicely done. I was pretty happy. By the time I got my watch off, it was 1:53:52 but my chip time was 1:53:18.
So I'm happy, I see that I'm in fourth place overall and first in age group. Based on last year's results, I thought I might be able to pull off an age group place, but not overall. Last year seemed to have quite a few women running in the 7's on the first leg. This year, they added a long course which was also a qualifier for the national long course duathlon championship, so that might have pulled some of the faster ones.
Ordinarily I don't hang around at a race but of course I wanted to collect my hardware. It took forever as the long course was still going on for quite awhile.
When they go to announce winners, I heard 'in second place from KC Missouri' .. and I knew something weird happened as the girl behind me was from Olathe. I got dinged two minutes for drafting!
Now I knew drafting was not allowed, but silly me, I never looked up the actual rules because I figured it meant like inches or a couple feet, like they do in the Tour, and there's no way I'm riding someone's wheel like that, even if it were legal. Apparently, the 'drafting zone' for USAT events is 22 meters long, which ends up being about three bike lengths behind you. It's also 2 meters wide. You can be in the draft zone if you are passing someone and you overtake them in 15 seconds or less. So the two minute penalty dropped me to second place.
I think it's a little amusing. I would never draft intentionally, and now that I now what the rule is, I will have to pay attention. That could be difficult in a more crowded field I think. I thought there was no way that you could benefit being that far behind but apparently you do. At least I only got dinged once, I saw some people got it 3 or 4 times and two minutes each time.
However, I am still happy about my time, even if it's asterisked.
Set the alarm for 5 am. Had cheerios and milk and a banana. I had my snacks ready to go: a jelly sandwich, animal crackers and a Hammer gel. I also had a bottle of HEED mixed up. I figured there was alot of time between breakfast plus the the race length is in the zone where you might need nutrition, though I have never messed with it for a half-mary, which takes me about as long. As it turned out, I could not stomach the thought of the gel in that heat, though I did have a bite of sandwich in T1.
Anyway, I actually make it plenty of time, lots of room still in the transition zone. We got body-marked and given an ankle chip. Love the body marking. So fun to see how old everyone is. The velcro strap on the chip was very irritating during the second run.
Before the race, I figured an optimistic time prediction was 1:55 - 8 min pace on the first 5K, complete bike in slightly over an hour, 9 min pace on second 5K. It rained overnight a bit, just enough to really make it steamy. There was some cloud cover, however, as we started.
I missed the first mile marker but I guessed I was roughly on 8 minute pace, which felt a little quick given the humidity and the rest of the race, but depending on where exactly 5K was, I think I was a little better than 8. The course was basically flat, just a couple little rises in the road.
T1 went fine. I got my shoes off and on pretty quickly given that I don't have those quickie lace thingies and my bike shoes have laces (and velchro). It felt great to be on the bike to stir up the air a bit. It was just so heavy in the humidity, not quite hot yet, but so thick. I loved the bike course. It was more or less flat but a few rolling hills. I am so glad I have trained at SMP, which is a real biotch compared to this course. I probably could have pushed the pace a little, but I held back some. Plus I had a tiny little cramp in my left calf about mile 10. I actually unclipped to move it around (probably not a great idea but it seemed to help). It went away after a couple miles but it made me a little cautious. The only time I got passed by multiple people was during the cramping. I was passed a few times otherwise but no more than I passed people.
My bike average was 18.2, a new high for me. I was pretty happy with that, especially since I have not had many rides over 15 miles. T2 was OK. The first steps off the bike weren't bad. I was more worried about how hot it was to be on the run since the clouds had burned off. I really didn't want to drink much but I did have a couple swallows - I had been drinking water on the bike as well, nearly emptied the big water bottle.
Second run was like running in slow motion. I didn't really feel bad but I just could not move any faster. I caught two women in my age group on the run, one of whom I remembered from the bike where we swapped places a couple times, but I don't know how the other girl got that far ahead of me. I hung with a couple guys who were pushing the pace. The second half back in was tough but I think I ended up around 9 minute pace. Hard to tell until they post the complete results.
So I cross the finish line, a volunteer hands me a bottle of water. This race had great support, well-marked, volunteers at every turn, plenty of water and gatorade, very nicely done. I was pretty happy. By the time I got my watch off, it was 1:53:52 but my chip time was 1:53:18.
So I'm happy, I see that I'm in fourth place overall and first in age group. Based on last year's results, I thought I might be able to pull off an age group place, but not overall. Last year seemed to have quite a few women running in the 7's on the first leg. This year, they added a long course which was also a qualifier for the national long course duathlon championship, so that might have pulled some of the faster ones.
Ordinarily I don't hang around at a race but of course I wanted to collect my hardware. It took forever as the long course was still going on for quite awhile.
When they go to announce winners, I heard 'in second place from KC Missouri' .. and I knew something weird happened as the girl behind me was from Olathe. I got dinged two minutes for drafting!
Now I knew drafting was not allowed, but silly me, I never looked up the actual rules because I figured it meant like inches or a couple feet, like they do in the Tour, and there's no way I'm riding someone's wheel like that, even if it were legal. Apparently, the 'drafting zone' for USAT events is 22 meters long, which ends up being about three bike lengths behind you. It's also 2 meters wide. You can be in the draft zone if you are passing someone and you overtake them in 15 seconds or less. So the two minute penalty dropped me to second place.
I think it's a little amusing. I would never draft intentionally, and now that I now what the rule is, I will have to pay attention. That could be difficult in a more crowded field I think. I thought there was no way that you could benefit being that far behind but apparently you do. At least I only got dinged once, I saw some people got it 3 or 4 times and two minutes each time.
However, I am still happy about my time, even if it's asterisked.
catching up
quickly ... so much to cover
I blew off Wednesday spin, telling myself that I'd save my legs for four laps at SMP. That was the last spin class till September, as I don't think I'm going to do an August session if they have one. Anyway, it was nice and warm and I had to have quite a conversation with myself to do the four laps. As it turned out, lap three was worse knowing I had one left. First two were up near 17 mph, then I fell off. But I think that hill training has some real benefits ...
Thursday I went to the pool for an 'easy' swim. I mostly used the pull buoy to work upper body and form. I really haven't done much swimming, it's no surprise I haven't gained much. I have to do something about improving my form, so that I can swim more over the fall and winter. I also find it rather boring, which might be a problem.
Friday was a rest day.
I blew off Wednesday spin, telling myself that I'd save my legs for four laps at SMP. That was the last spin class till September, as I don't think I'm going to do an August session if they have one. Anyway, it was nice and warm and I had to have quite a conversation with myself to do the four laps. As it turned out, lap three was worse knowing I had one left. First two were up near 17 mph, then I fell off. But I think that hill training has some real benefits ...
Thursday I went to the pool for an 'easy' swim. I mostly used the pull buoy to work upper body and form. I really haven't done much swimming, it's no surprise I haven't gained much. I have to do something about improving my form, so that I can swim more over the fall and winter. I also find it rather boring, which might be a problem.
Friday was a rest day.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
time trial
Well I was relatively happy because I covered 33 laps in the pool (which equals 825 yards which equals 754 meters) in 21:30. I did not stop, though really when you have the wall every 25 yards you get a breath there. Unless you can do a flip turn, which of course I cannot nor do I want to learn. But that was about what I figured my time would be. I had done 500 m in about 14 last week so at least I'm consistent.
Then I looked back and on May 15, I did 30 laps in 20 minutes. That was when I thought the pool was 25 meters but then discovered it was 25 yards. So really I've gained nothing in two months. I have a feeling I rested more a couple months ago but I'm not sure.
I guess I didn't think I was any faster. But I'm not sure it really feels any better now either. And I seriously doubt I will be able to do that much freestyle in a tri. I don't really care about my time but I would prefer to not be in the water for more than 30 minutes.
I ran this morning. Around 30 minutes on the Trolley Trail.
Then I looked back and on May 15, I did 30 laps in 20 minutes. That was when I thought the pool was 25 meters but then discovered it was 25 yards. So really I've gained nothing in two months. I have a feeling I rested more a couple months ago but I'm not sure.
I guess I didn't think I was any faster. But I'm not sure it really feels any better now either. And I seriously doubt I will be able to do that much freestyle in a tri. I don't really care about my time but I would prefer to not be in the water for more than 30 minutes.
I ran this morning. Around 30 minutes on the Trolley Trail.
Monday, July 23, 2007
i had good bangs today
But otherwise not such a good hair day.
Super groggy this morning, but I made it to spin class. The sleep thing hasn't been so good in a few weeks and I don't expect it will improve in the next three. So sometimes I reach for mother's little helper. Plus it is just about that time of the month. Thank goddess that will be over by the time of the tri's.
So spin class has been hard this month. Only one more class though. They are doing a four week August session but I don't think I'll sign up as I'd be missing nearly half of it, I think. I think I'm reaching overtraining sometimes. I must work on more of a plan. My haphazard approach has gotten me pretty far but I can do more. Back to spin.. I think it's a result of the increased cycling I've been doing. My legs are pretty fatigued.
Yoga was good. No silly partner junk, no touching other people's feet, no people sticking their feet in my back, none of that! Plus that partner junk just breaks the flow. So tonight was good. I was happy to know I can still get into full lotus, though only one way, i.e. can't switch legs. And I even got into fish pose while in full lotus. Sort of. Briefly.
My sort of plan for this week:
Tuesday a.m. mellow 30 minute run - any morning plan is always in danger however
Tuesday p.m. swim - at least 750 m
Wed a.m. spin
Wed p.m. SMP road laps
Thur p.m. easy swim
Friday rest
Saturday Prairie Punisher - 5K 27K 5K - Course description doesn't sound too hilly.
Super groggy this morning, but I made it to spin class. The sleep thing hasn't been so good in a few weeks and I don't expect it will improve in the next three. So sometimes I reach for mother's little helper. Plus it is just about that time of the month. Thank goddess that will be over by the time of the tri's.
So spin class has been hard this month. Only one more class though. They are doing a four week August session but I don't think I'll sign up as I'd be missing nearly half of it, I think. I think I'm reaching overtraining sometimes. I must work on more of a plan. My haphazard approach has gotten me pretty far but I can do more. Back to spin.. I think it's a result of the increased cycling I've been doing. My legs are pretty fatigued.
Yoga was good. No silly partner junk, no touching other people's feet, no people sticking their feet in my back, none of that! Plus that partner junk just breaks the flow. So tonight was good. I was happy to know I can still get into full lotus, though only one way, i.e. can't switch legs. And I even got into fish pose while in full lotus. Sort of. Briefly.
My sort of plan for this week:
Tuesday a.m. mellow 30 minute run - any morning plan is always in danger however
Tuesday p.m. swim - at least 750 m
Wed a.m. spin
Wed p.m. SMP road laps
Thur p.m. easy swim
Friday rest
Saturday Prairie Punisher - 5K 27K 5K - Course description doesn't sound too hilly.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I came across the live web coverage of the Ironman in Lake Placid this morning. Those folks are amazing. The first female was something like 9:30-9:40? The only one of those events that I can even imagine doing is 112 mile bike ride. I've ridden 85+ before so I'm pretty sure with training I could manage 112. But not at 20 mph. And then run a marathon ... at one time, I thought maybe I could but now I'm pretty sure it would not be worth the abuse on my joints. And swimming 2.4 miles? well enough said there. Maybe in a life jacket.
I woke up stiff and sore all over but recovered quickly once I got on the bike. I did an easy 17 miles, few hills. I also tested a "Power Bar Gel" - tangerine flavor. I really didn't need any nutrition as I was only out for an hour and I had a decent breakfast not long before. It tasted OK, really sweet. I might be a better candidate for diluted sports drinks instead of gel. Or maybe it would be different if you really needed it.
At any rate, the ride felt great, so maybe it was the gel, or the slow pace (~15 mph). I am getting quite comfortable on my road bike. There is one gear that I have alot of trouble shifting into. I may have to take it in before I leave.
Then I did some yardword and other chores. Then decided to do an easy swim. Easy for me anyway. I had hoped to do some drills in the shallow pool but naturally the one time I want to do that it was full and it's too small for two. The first guy was doing some drill-like things. Next some girl got in there and apparently wanted to practice dog paddling. So I did alot of lengths with the pull buoy. I wanted to practice rotating more. I have a pretty sore right side of my neck and shoulders because I don't think I'm rotating enough. I wanted to work on the bilateral breathing .. but in the little pool. I did practice it at the wall some, it feels very unnatural to me. I want to learn how to do it, not so much for this year's races but for the swimming I hope to do over the fall and winter. I think I'll be more efficient if I can breathe to both sides.
I woke up stiff and sore all over but recovered quickly once I got on the bike. I did an easy 17 miles, few hills. I also tested a "Power Bar Gel" - tangerine flavor. I really didn't need any nutrition as I was only out for an hour and I had a decent breakfast not long before. It tasted OK, really sweet. I might be a better candidate for diluted sports drinks instead of gel. Or maybe it would be different if you really needed it.
At any rate, the ride felt great, so maybe it was the gel, or the slow pace (~15 mph). I am getting quite comfortable on my road bike. There is one gear that I have alot of trouble shifting into. I may have to take it in before I leave.
Then I did some yardword and other chores. Then decided to do an easy swim. Easy for me anyway. I had hoped to do some drills in the shallow pool but naturally the one time I want to do that it was full and it's too small for two. The first guy was doing some drill-like things. Next some girl got in there and apparently wanted to practice dog paddling. So I did alot of lengths with the pull buoy. I wanted to practice rotating more. I have a pretty sore right side of my neck and shoulders because I don't think I'm rotating enough. I wanted to work on the bilateral breathing .. but in the little pool. I did practice it at the wall some, it feels very unnatural to me. I want to learn how to do it, not so much for this year's races but for the swimming I hope to do over the fall and winter. I think I'll be more efficient if I can breathe to both sides.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
lazy saturday ...
Well I feel lazy anyway. Haven't done any chores except the store and throw the sheets in the washer. I did have a few beers at g2g last night, fortunately for us old girls, it starts at 6:30 and 'ends' at 10:30. I think that just means guys can come at 10:30.
Anyway, discussed doing a mellow ride with E, but neither of us was that into it this morning and it was sorta raining.
Did 1200 yards in the pool. Probably 2/3 breaststroke. I may go again tomorrow and just do the 33 laps (race distance) freestyle and time it. The good news is that my arms/shoulders weren't fatigued while swimming and I think I'm OK on breathing so I don't need to rest much. The bad news is that long about length 17, apparently I decided I would inhale some water and see what it was like. I had grab the wall and cough for awhile. I really need to try and recover from that kind of thing on my back, but it was bad. I'm not sure what the hell I was doing ... that has never happened like that before.
Then I went out for a run, low 80's, partly cloudy, a little humid - 58%. 43 minutes down the Trolley Trail. Didn't feel great but didn't feel bad. Most of my runs lately have been in less than optimal conditions and that is on purpose. I will have to be able to run tired, in the tri's and the half. Fortunately, running is my least weak link.
Anyway, discussed doing a mellow ride with E, but neither of us was that into it this morning and it was sorta raining.
Did 1200 yards in the pool. Probably 2/3 breaststroke. I may go again tomorrow and just do the 33 laps (race distance) freestyle and time it. The good news is that my arms/shoulders weren't fatigued while swimming and I think I'm OK on breathing so I don't need to rest much. The bad news is that long about length 17, apparently I decided I would inhale some water and see what it was like. I had grab the wall and cough for awhile. I really need to try and recover from that kind of thing on my back, but it was bad. I'm not sure what the hell I was doing ... that has never happened like that before.
Then I went out for a run, low 80's, partly cloudy, a little humid - 58%. 43 minutes down the Trolley Trail. Didn't feel great but didn't feel bad. Most of my runs lately have been in less than optimal conditions and that is on purpose. I will have to be able to run tired, in the tri's and the half. Fortunately, running is my least weak link.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
half-mary minus 3 months
Back when I thought RUNNING 13 miles might be the hardest thing I had to do this year ....
The week in review -
Monday - spin and yoga. I brought my bike shoes to spin class for the second time. The first time I was never able to clip in. I've never seen anyone in the morning class use them, but I hear they do in the afternoon. At any rate, I only got one foot clipped in. I think maybe the clips are too tight on the pedals and they rarely get used. I really would like to spin in my shoes and work on the circular pedaling.
Tuesday - Yet Another Demoralizing Attempt at Open Swim. They are drawing down the lake at SMP. So it was fairly nasty, rather warm and all-around unpleasant. There was enough of a breeze to kick up as much 'current' as I've seen there. Sucks to only breathe on one side as I got a nice mouthful each time going in one direction.
I talked to a guy who's doing his first Tri Sunday in Lawrence. He had just learned to swim in January! When I saw him, he had the same "what the hell am I doing here" look on his face that I generally have there. However, he had already done two laps of the course. I figured he'd be good to go after getting the monkey off his back with the first trip. But he was still a little freaked. We didn't exchange names but I hope he has a great race Sunday.
I followed my sorry swim attempt with an hour on the MTB trails at SMP. It was fun, though I haven't been on dirt in awhile so hard to get in the groove. Plus I had to go back to the car to swap out my lenses ... the whole reason I bought those sunglasses was the changeable lenses.
Wednesday - I was feeling completely beat up so I skipped spinning and really didn't feel bad about it. I guess maybe I either swim more than I think at SMP or just moving through the open water takes more out of me. I did have a nice hard run at night ... 37 minutes to Loose Park and back. Not bad given the heat, humidity and the fact that I had not hydrated too well all day.
Today: A good four laps around the SMP roads. 18 miles at 16 mph. First two laps were 16.3. I hope it's as hilly as I think it is because climbing up past the dam is a killer on my lungs.
Then I inhaled four slices of Papa Keno's veggie pizza.
The week in review -
Monday - spin and yoga. I brought my bike shoes to spin class for the second time. The first time I was never able to clip in. I've never seen anyone in the morning class use them, but I hear they do in the afternoon. At any rate, I only got one foot clipped in. I think maybe the clips are too tight on the pedals and they rarely get used. I really would like to spin in my shoes and work on the circular pedaling.
Tuesday - Yet Another Demoralizing Attempt at Open Swim. They are drawing down the lake at SMP. So it was fairly nasty, rather warm and all-around unpleasant. There was enough of a breeze to kick up as much 'current' as I've seen there. Sucks to only breathe on one side as I got a nice mouthful each time going in one direction.
I talked to a guy who's doing his first Tri Sunday in Lawrence. He had just learned to swim in January! When I saw him, he had the same "what the hell am I doing here" look on his face that I generally have there. However, he had already done two laps of the course. I figured he'd be good to go after getting the monkey off his back with the first trip. But he was still a little freaked. We didn't exchange names but I hope he has a great race Sunday.
I followed my sorry swim attempt with an hour on the MTB trails at SMP. It was fun, though I haven't been on dirt in awhile so hard to get in the groove. Plus I had to go back to the car to swap out my lenses ... the whole reason I bought those sunglasses was the changeable lenses.
Wednesday - I was feeling completely beat up so I skipped spinning and really didn't feel bad about it. I guess maybe I either swim more than I think at SMP or just moving through the open water takes more out of me. I did have a nice hard run at night ... 37 minutes to Loose Park and back. Not bad given the heat, humidity and the fact that I had not hydrated too well all day.
Today: A good four laps around the SMP roads. 18 miles at 16 mph. First two laps were 16.3. I hope it's as hilly as I think it is because climbing up past the dam is a killer on my lungs.
Then I inhaled four slices of Papa Keno's veggie pizza.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
the only good thing about the breaststroke ...
is the name.
After reading some race reports and Ann's report of breaststroking 2/3 of her dip, I figured I better get jiggy with the breaststroke. So I gave it alot of attention today in the pool. I will say it seemed to get a little better by the end. It really makes my arms tired, especially my forearms. In fact, typing is not so easy.
I lost count of lengths but I did somewhere between 500 and 750 m. But alot of stopping. I'm not sure that I am really THAT much slower with the breaststroke than the freestyle, but it feels like it. I consciously made myself slow down today because I think before I tried to do it too fast, really wearing myself out.
I think if I have to do much of it in open water, I will sorta freak out because you can see just how incredibly far you have to go every time you breathe. It's not like I am trying to make any kind of time, I am more concerned about just covering that distance without really being able to stop.
Earlier today, I went on a 15 mile ride, which took about an hour. It really cuts into your average speed when you have to stop for lights, slow down for stop signs, etc.
After reading some race reports and Ann's report of breaststroking 2/3 of her dip, I figured I better get jiggy with the breaststroke. So I gave it alot of attention today in the pool. I will say it seemed to get a little better by the end. It really makes my arms tired, especially my forearms. In fact, typing is not so easy.
I lost count of lengths but I did somewhere between 500 and 750 m. But alot of stopping. I'm not sure that I am really THAT much slower with the breaststroke than the freestyle, but it feels like it. I consciously made myself slow down today because I think before I tried to do it too fast, really wearing myself out.
I think if I have to do much of it in open water, I will sorta freak out because you can see just how incredibly far you have to go every time you breathe. It's not like I am trying to make any kind of time, I am more concerned about just covering that distance without really being able to stop.
Earlier today, I went on a 15 mile ride, which took about an hour. It really cuts into your average speed when you have to stop for lights, slow down for stop signs, etc.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Finally those history degrees pay off ...
You Are a Smart American |
You know a lot about US history, and you're opinions are probably well informed. Congratulations on bucking stereotypes. Now go show some foreigners how smart Americans can be. |
hot run
I didn't get going too early and I didn't want to wait around and run later, so I went out at about 1 pm, when it was nearly 90 and very sunny. A course that usually takes 39 minutes took 43 but that's OK. Better to walk a little than have heatstroke. I think I'm building a heat tolerance. The first 20 minutes were OK.
Then I went to see 'La Vie en Rose' a movie about the life of Edith Piaf. My latent Francophilism is stirring up, with watching the Tour and seeing this movie. Next year, bike tour through France. None of this silly training for triathlons. Well, maybe some of it. But I would love to do a week long tour on bike. The movie was a little ... grim. I really didn't know anything about her before. She had a bit of a tragic life and died at 47. It was a very French movie .. it just sorta ended. No over the top Hollywoodish emotions, no neat little package at the end.
Then I went to see 'La Vie en Rose' a movie about the life of Edith Piaf. My latent Francophilism is stirring up, with watching the Tour and seeing this movie. Next year, bike tour through France. None of this silly training for triathlons. Well, maybe some of it. But I would love to do a week long tour on bike. The movie was a little ... grim. I really didn't know anything about her before. She had a bit of a tragic life and died at 47. It was a very French movie .. it just sorta ended. No over the top Hollywoodish emotions, no neat little package at the end.
grumpy melonhead ...
At least I was last night until I finished my ride ....
I found out that the open water swim will still be at SMP for the next couple weeks so I don't have to go further away to a new place. And I can ride after the swims.
Last night I went to SMP and thought maybe I could swim in the actual swim area and then ride. The swim area is big enough, I guess, but they have it divided in 3 areas with ropes between them so you have to duck under. The very back of the swim area is deep enough that I cannot stand ... well stand and still breathe anyway. So I dorked around swimming for awhile. There was a very cute family enjoying a play day at the beach there as well but no one else. I didn't think I really did much but my arms are a little sore today. I felt a little goofy swimming around in there while they were tossing the beach ball around.
Here is something I don't get: how is the breaststroke a 'resting' stroke? I understand why people swim it in open water, because you can see where you're going. But I find it exhausting and painfully slow. So I guess my task for the pool this weekend is to do more breaststroke. That should wear my little arms down to a nub.
Then I grumpily went back to my car, sans towel that I had left in the car, and cleaned off a little and moved the car over to the marina lot where the cyclists park. Sigh, it's by the mountain bike trails and most everyone there had a mountain bike. I think Tuesday I'll bring that bike, I have hardly gotten to ride dirt this year.
So I took three laps again. The first one counterclockwise, second one clockwise. I think it's equally hard in both directions. My average speed for the first two was 16.3. It felt pretty hard though. Then my last lap was a little slower. I felt strangely whupped, even though Thursday was an off day.
A 'tri suit' is going to be necessary. There is no way that you want TWO layers of wet spandex and a little bike short pad all crunched up in your crotch for 14 miles.
I found out that the open water swim will still be at SMP for the next couple weeks so I don't have to go further away to a new place. And I can ride after the swims.
Last night I went to SMP and thought maybe I could swim in the actual swim area and then ride. The swim area is big enough, I guess, but they have it divided in 3 areas with ropes between them so you have to duck under. The very back of the swim area is deep enough that I cannot stand ... well stand and still breathe anyway. So I dorked around swimming for awhile. There was a very cute family enjoying a play day at the beach there as well but no one else. I didn't think I really did much but my arms are a little sore today. I felt a little goofy swimming around in there while they were tossing the beach ball around.
Here is something I don't get: how is the breaststroke a 'resting' stroke? I understand why people swim it in open water, because you can see where you're going. But I find it exhausting and painfully slow. So I guess my task for the pool this weekend is to do more breaststroke. That should wear my little arms down to a nub.
Then I grumpily went back to my car, sans towel that I had left in the car, and cleaned off a little and moved the car over to the marina lot where the cyclists park. Sigh, it's by the mountain bike trails and most everyone there had a mountain bike. I think Tuesday I'll bring that bike, I have hardly gotten to ride dirt this year.
So I took three laps again. The first one counterclockwise, second one clockwise. I think it's equally hard in both directions. My average speed for the first two was 16.3. It felt pretty hard though. Then my last lap was a little slower. I felt strangely whupped, even though Thursday was an off day.
A 'tri suit' is going to be necessary. There is no way that you want TWO layers of wet spandex and a little bike short pad all crunched up in your crotch for 14 miles.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
midweek update
I don't have such impressive daily updates as some ... sigh.
Let's see, I will have to work backwards as I'm old and my memory is fading.
Today was spin class. Hard since I had a double workout less than 12 hours previous. But that will be all for today.
Yesterday, the forecast in the morning did not look good for OWS later so I did not even bring my stuff with me. However, the storms missed us and it was sunny and warm after work. I went to the nice clean pool and did 2 x 500 m. I did the first one in 14:09, not great but if I could even manage that in open water I'd be thrilled. The second one I did not time as I did some breaststroke and practiced some other things. I can swim faster than a 70-something Asian lady at the pool Of course, she probably swims for an hour without stopping.
Anyway, then I went home and ran. It wasn't easy. I was thirsty but did not want to drink much because I didn't want it sloshing around. I ran an easy 29 minutes on the TT.
Let's see what was before that... Monday: spin class and yoga.
Sunday: got out early for a 14 mile ride before it got hot. Not as fast as I had hoped. I would really like to get faster on the bike and I'm sure I could.
Let's see, I will have to work backwards as I'm old and my memory is fading.
Today was spin class. Hard since I had a double workout less than 12 hours previous. But that will be all for today.
Yesterday, the forecast in the morning did not look good for OWS later so I did not even bring my stuff with me. However, the storms missed us and it was sunny and warm after work. I went to the nice clean pool and did 2 x 500 m. I did the first one in 14:09, not great but if I could even manage that in open water I'd be thrilled. The second one I did not time as I did some breaststroke and practiced some other things. I can swim faster than a 70-something Asian lady at the pool Of course, she probably swims for an hour without stopping.
Anyway, then I went home and ran. It wasn't easy. I was thirsty but did not want to drink much because I didn't want it sloshing around. I ran an easy 29 minutes on the TT.
Let's see what was before that... Monday: spin class and yoga.
Sunday: got out early for a 14 mile ride before it got hot. Not as fast as I had hoped. I would really like to get faster on the bike and I'm sure I could.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
indoor 'dip and dash'
Friday was a much needed rest day. I met some friends for dinner and the k.d. Lang - Lyle Lovett concert at Starlight. k.d. played first for about an hour. She puts on a great show and has an incredible voice. Lyle played for about two hours, with his very Large Band. I had never seen him in concert before. It was a good show, he did alot of more ballad type songs and some bluegrass, which is OK in small doses. Then he finished with a very rousing version of "Church."
Yes it was mostly old people there. Probably not many under 40.
Then I could not sleep for anything last night so I didn't make it mountain biking this morning. I don't know that the BRP trails were that great anyway, since they are still drying from the storms on the Fourth. I mowed and did a thorough front porch cleaning.
Then I went to the gym to swim and run on the treadmill, both of which bear little resemblance to their outdoor "offroad" counterparts. But swimming 500 m (22 lengths) seemed pretty easy. I didn't really stop. My arms and shoulders are a bit sore, though.
Then I ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I really don't like the treadmill at all but it was in the 90's and I didn't want to wait and run late. It was a good tempo run, all except the warm up and cool down at sub-9 minute pace.
Yes it was mostly old people there. Probably not many under 40.
Then I could not sleep for anything last night so I didn't make it mountain biking this morning. I don't know that the BRP trails were that great anyway, since they are still drying from the storms on the Fourth. I mowed and did a thorough front porch cleaning.
Then I went to the gym to swim and run on the treadmill, both of which bear little resemblance to their outdoor "offroad" counterparts. But swimming 500 m (22 lengths) seemed pretty easy. I didn't really stop. My arms and shoulders are a bit sore, though.
Then I ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I really don't like the treadmill at all but it was in the 90's and I didn't want to wait and run late. It was a good tempo run, all except the warm up and cool down at sub-9 minute pace.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
my waterloo
Maybe I need to just have Abba in my head when I swim. I don't really enjoy swimming in the pool, but it doesn't scare the crap outta me like the mucky lake.
After Tuesday's relative success, I thought maybe I could conquer the real open water course at SMP. Well... then I got there and it seemed soooooo far out. I thought, ok, I'll just go out to the first buoy and back. It really wasn't that far. Further than along the back of the swim area but probably not much. I asked a woman who had been there before if that was cool and she said that plenty of people just did laps around the first buoy to get comfortable.
So I headed out there. There were some other people around but not many. Now ... it takes me awhile to really warm up while swimming. At the pool, I find that it takes 10 minutes or so to really get into a rhythm. So I'm swimming, doing my sighting, thinking that the buoy seems way the hell out there and I sorta panic. I did a little breaststroke but it feels like I'm just not moving when I do that. I got on my back and ended up with a mouthful of water. I was maybe 2/3 - 3/4 of the way out there to the buoy and I just bailed and headed back. Like a big ole baby. And of course, the shore seemed miles away.
So I stood there for awhile, contemplated just going to ride my bike, which seemed like heaven after that. But I didn't. I did some laps along the back of the swim area. I took more breaks than I should have but I kept at it for 35-40 minutes.
I am just not very comfortable in that water. My family never did any water activities, in fact neither of my parents can swim. I did have swimming lessons at an early age and was always able to swim and play around in the pool but I've never really been on a lake in a boat or kayak or anything. I swam enough laps 20 years ago to do a little pool-swim triathlon but that's been it until recently.
I guess it's OK to take it slowly but I only have a month ....
Anyway, I was soooo happy to get on my road bike and hit the road around SMP. Almost everyone who goes out for the open water swim rides or runs afterwards. I learned some important things about how maybe to do that transition and what to wear. Anyway, almost 14 glorious miles in the oxygen at a nearly 16 mph average clip. Not bad for me, especially since I was pretty tired and hungry starting out. And I didn't realize the road around SMP was so hilly. There are a couple good climbs around there.
After Tuesday's relative success, I thought maybe I could conquer the real open water course at SMP. Well... then I got there and it seemed soooooo far out. I thought, ok, I'll just go out to the first buoy and back. It really wasn't that far. Further than along the back of the swim area but probably not much. I asked a woman who had been there before if that was cool and she said that plenty of people just did laps around the first buoy to get comfortable.
So I headed out there. There were some other people around but not many. Now ... it takes me awhile to really warm up while swimming. At the pool, I find that it takes 10 minutes or so to really get into a rhythm. So I'm swimming, doing my sighting, thinking that the buoy seems way the hell out there and I sorta panic. I did a little breaststroke but it feels like I'm just not moving when I do that. I got on my back and ended up with a mouthful of water. I was maybe 2/3 - 3/4 of the way out there to the buoy and I just bailed and headed back. Like a big ole baby. And of course, the shore seemed miles away.
So I stood there for awhile, contemplated just going to ride my bike, which seemed like heaven after that. But I didn't. I did some laps along the back of the swim area. I took more breaks than I should have but I kept at it for 35-40 minutes.
I am just not very comfortable in that water. My family never did any water activities, in fact neither of my parents can swim. I did have swimming lessons at an early age and was always able to swim and play around in the pool but I've never really been on a lake in a boat or kayak or anything. I swam enough laps 20 years ago to do a little pool-swim triathlon but that's been it until recently.
I guess it's OK to take it slowly but I only have a month ....
Anyway, I was soooo happy to get on my road bike and hit the road around SMP. Almost everyone who goes out for the open water swim rides or runs afterwards. I learned some important things about how maybe to do that transition and what to wear. Anyway, almost 14 glorious miles in the oxygen at a nearly 16 mph average clip. Not bad for me, especially since I was pretty tired and hungry starting out. And I didn't realize the road around SMP was so hilly. There are a couple good climbs around there.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fourth of July ...
I have some catching up to do ... my weekend trip to Denver was great except for getting stuck on the runway for two hours waiting for a storm to pass so I didn't get home until 1. Then the next day things got crazy as my aunt, who has had cancer for several years, went into the hospital, then to hospice and passed away early Wednesday. So my routine has been off for awhile.
But now it's time to get in some open-water swimming and road cycling.
Last night, I went to SMP for their open-water swim practice. It was a very nice setup: they had an approximately 300 m course around three buoys. They had lifeguards on kayaks and floatie things out there. There was a decent crowd. Most people there were going to do the SM Triathlon, which is Saturday.
I was too chicken to actually do the course, so I did some laps back and forth just past the cordoned off swim area. It was too deep to stand unless you went into the swim area. So I swam around for 45 - 50 minutes, taking a few breaks. The swim area was good sized so it was maybe a couple pool lengths to swim along the outside of it.
I am hoping that tomorrow I will not be such a pussy and go out and do the regular course. The key, for me, in the open water swim is to stay relaxed. I had a nice conversation with a woman who was also doing the little baby laps. She had actually done the short course Topeka Tinman (300 m) swim but was trying to build up her swim endurance more. She told me that she actually did alot of that swim on her back! Now how you can make it through the water that way I have no idea. But ... that is a way to chill and float for awhile. Granted, you can't see where you are going but ...
I did mostly freestyle, practiced sighting, and threw in some breaststroke as well. I also practiced just getting on my back and just chilling for a bit. I think if I can get past doing one lap of that course, I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure I have the endurance to do two or three, as long as I take it slow.
I saw some interesting things. There is no reason to worry much about your swim form. With the sighting you have to do, it throws you off anyway. It would be nice to feel like I could breathe on both sides but I think I can breaststroke it for short periods and be OK. I saw a couple of older women doing this sort of head-completely-above-water-freestyle. I'm not sure how you could do that for 500 meters but they were chugging along.
So even doing the baby stuff gave me confidence. I had ALOT of anxiety as I headed out in the water but it went away once I realized I really could do it. And knowing that I could stay near the swim area helped alot. I like knowing I have a safety valve available, even if I never use it.
The water was a big pond of muck. You could not even see your hand in front of your face. There was all kinds of stuff on the bottom as well. Frankly, it made you want to stay afloat as much as possible. The grossness factor is not as big as I thought it would be however. I think I'm over that. Probably just as well you can't really see anything anyway.
So hopefully tomorrow I can do the big girl stuff. But even if I don't yet, it helped alot to just be out there in the deep water. I think it would help alot to actually have someone with me. It was safe with the guards out there and all, but I really wished I had one of my swim coaches with me.
Today, I took a hot, sticky, hilly ride down to 8th Street. 13 miles. The road bike feels funny after being on my hybrid last night. I am hoping the combination of heat, humidity and hungoverness was the cause of my sluggish pace. I have got to be able to ride faster.
But now it's time to get in some open-water swimming and road cycling.
Last night, I went to SMP for their open-water swim practice. It was a very nice setup: they had an approximately 300 m course around three buoys. They had lifeguards on kayaks and floatie things out there. There was a decent crowd. Most people there were going to do the SM Triathlon, which is Saturday.
I was too chicken to actually do the course, so I did some laps back and forth just past the cordoned off swim area. It was too deep to stand unless you went into the swim area. So I swam around for 45 - 50 minutes, taking a few breaks. The swim area was good sized so it was maybe a couple pool lengths to swim along the outside of it.
I am hoping that tomorrow I will not be such a pussy and go out and do the regular course. The key, for me, in the open water swim is to stay relaxed. I had a nice conversation with a woman who was also doing the little baby laps. She had actually done the short course Topeka Tinman (300 m) swim but was trying to build up her swim endurance more. She told me that she actually did alot of that swim on her back! Now how you can make it through the water that way I have no idea. But ... that is a way to chill and float for awhile. Granted, you can't see where you are going but ...
I did mostly freestyle, practiced sighting, and threw in some breaststroke as well. I also practiced just getting on my back and just chilling for a bit. I think if I can get past doing one lap of that course, I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure I have the endurance to do two or three, as long as I take it slow.
I saw some interesting things. There is no reason to worry much about your swim form. With the sighting you have to do, it throws you off anyway. It would be nice to feel like I could breathe on both sides but I think I can breaststroke it for short periods and be OK. I saw a couple of older women doing this sort of head-completely-above-water-freestyle. I'm not sure how you could do that for 500 meters but they were chugging along.
So even doing the baby stuff gave me confidence. I had ALOT of anxiety as I headed out in the water but it went away once I realized I really could do it. And knowing that I could stay near the swim area helped alot. I like knowing I have a safety valve available, even if I never use it.
The water was a big pond of muck. You could not even see your hand in front of your face. There was all kinds of stuff on the bottom as well. Frankly, it made you want to stay afloat as much as possible. The grossness factor is not as big as I thought it would be however. I think I'm over that. Probably just as well you can't really see anything anyway.
So hopefully tomorrow I can do the big girl stuff. But even if I don't yet, it helped alot to just be out there in the deep water. I think it would help alot to actually have someone with me. It was safe with the guards out there and all, but I really wished I had one of my swim coaches with me.
Today, I took a hot, sticky, hilly ride down to 8th Street. 13 miles. The road bike feels funny after being on my hybrid last night. I am hoping the combination of heat, humidity and hungoverness was the cause of my sluggish pace. I have got to be able to ride faster.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Another bike!
I picked up my road Trek today. I even blew off all workouts to do it. I'm sure I had some rationalization of why it was a good idea. Mark at Bike America, took alot of time fitting the bike. They have a cool scanner that measures all your proportions so the bike can be fitted to you. This is alot more important on a road bike as you're likely to spend alot more time on it and in one position.
I added a few accessories: SPD pedals (so I can use the shoes I already had even though they aren't roadie shoes), wireless computer and little tiny seat bag that just barely fits my phone and keys. Just from the tiny bit of riding I did tonight, I think it will take some time to adjust. I like that it's not so upright but I have to get used to the brakes on the drop handlebars and the shifters are actually on the breaks. I'm really glad I already had the clipless experience, though who's to say I still won't crash when I can't unclip fast enough.
So I now have more bikes than computers! Technically that was true before, as I have this nifty old English 3-speed in the basement that I really need to get fixed up. So I have more ride-able bikes than computers.
I added a few accessories: SPD pedals (so I can use the shoes I already had even though they aren't roadie shoes), wireless computer and little tiny seat bag that just barely fits my phone and keys. Just from the tiny bit of riding I did tonight, I think it will take some time to adjust. I like that it's not so upright but I have to get used to the brakes on the drop handlebars and the shifters are actually on the breaks. I'm really glad I already had the clipless experience, though who's to say I still won't crash when I can't unclip fast enough.
So I now have more bikes than computers! Technically that was true before, as I have this nifty old English 3-speed in the basement that I really need to get fixed up. So I have more ride-able bikes than computers.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
catching up ...
Lest it appear that I've been sitting on my arse for the last three days .....
Rest assured, I have not.
Monday: the usual Spin and Yoga. I often have a hard time being motivated for yoga, even though I always feel better after it. Monday was no different and we had to do lots of 'partner' exercises which I really really don't like. Even when my actual partner was in class with me, I hated it. It just breaks the flow.
I understand why we do it, as you can often go further into a pose, but I would really prefer to just keep going. And I don't dig on having someone else's foot in my back either. Some of it is a little close and weird. I mean, if I want a massage - we did some 'Thai massage' stuff - I'll just go pay for it. That way, I don't have to reciprocate.
However, once we got done, I felt alot better. I had been out of sorts all day but it seemed to help. Then I came home and watched the Royals beat the Cardinals. So it was all good.
Tuesday: An fairly easy 15 road miles, out my work route to Antioch. I rode Blue Trek, which seemed awful light and fast after the Silver Bullet.
Today: Spin. I love spin class. I hate that it requires getting up at the butt crack of dawn, but it is such a great workout. Sometimes it bugs the back of knee so I ice it down afterwards. I wish we could do a full half-hour of abs and core work. Sad, most of us have to work.
My new roadie bike is in! Not sure how I can get in there tomorrow as it will require some time to fit it. My plan was to swim in the afternoon, as I get to leave early for a dentist appointment. But if I can drag my butt there in the morning, I could go get the bike after the dentist. Then maybe have time for a quick spin ...
Rest assured, I have not.
Monday: the usual Spin and Yoga. I often have a hard time being motivated for yoga, even though I always feel better after it. Monday was no different and we had to do lots of 'partner' exercises which I really really don't like. Even when my actual partner was in class with me, I hated it. It just breaks the flow.
I understand why we do it, as you can often go further into a pose, but I would really prefer to just keep going. And I don't dig on having someone else's foot in my back either. Some of it is a little close and weird. I mean, if I want a massage - we did some 'Thai massage' stuff - I'll just go pay for it. That way, I don't have to reciprocate.
However, once we got done, I felt alot better. I had been out of sorts all day but it seemed to help. Then I came home and watched the Royals beat the Cardinals. So it was all good.
Tuesday: An fairly easy 15 road miles, out my work route to Antioch. I rode Blue Trek, which seemed awful light and fast after the Silver Bullet.
Today: Spin. I love spin class. I hate that it requires getting up at the butt crack of dawn, but it is such a great workout. Sometimes it bugs the back of knee so I ice it down afterwards. I wish we could do a full half-hour of abs and core work. Sad, most of us have to work.
My new roadie bike is in! Not sure how I can get in there tomorrow as it will require some time to fit it. My plan was to swim in the afternoon, as I get to leave early for a dentist appointment. But if I can drag my butt there in the morning, I could go get the bike after the dentist. Then maybe have time for a quick spin ...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
For what it's worth, don't wait around all day in the house (mostly), working (babysitting server maintenance) and think you will go running later in the day. I had nearly lost all motivation and needed to wait until 6 before it was somewhat cooler (8 would have been better, given the heat).
But I made it out the door. Actually given the 86 degree temp and the fact that the sun is still pretty high in the sky at 6 on June 17, I felt pretty good. Almost 40 minutes around Loose Park and back.
I will never appreciate air conditioning as much as I do after a run like that.
Then I made a vat of sausage, spinach and veggie spaghetti.
Oh! And tonight I hear cicadas (or locusts or whatever they are) outside. I LOVE that sound. That means it is really and truly summer.
But I made it out the door. Actually given the 86 degree temp and the fact that the sun is still pretty high in the sky at 6 on June 17, I felt pretty good. Almost 40 minutes around Loose Park and back.
I will never appreciate air conditioning as much as I do after a run like that.
Then I made a vat of sausage, spinach and veggie spaghetti.
Oh! And tonight I hear cicadas (or locusts or whatever they are) outside. I LOVE that sound. That means it is really and truly summer.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Post #69
This is post number 69. Heh.
Anyway, since all the singletrack is dry, I really wanted to take advantage of it as much as possible. So I went out to BRP this morning, fairly early (for a Saturday) and rode about an hour and a half. It's amazing that after about 45 minutes, I start to ride alot better. I hope to go out tomorrow as well, so maybe I can warm up sooner. I covered myself in Deep Woods Off and it was plenty overgrown out there today. But I only had a couple ticks crawling around on my shoe when I was done. I dispensed with them (I hope).
Then, since it was in the 90's today, I did a few inside chores.
Then I rode up to the pool and did 3/4 mile. I need to take a couple lessons. It's funny that after 30-35 lengths, my form gets even worse as I get tired. But my breathing actually gets better. I am a little disheartened by Ann's open water swim report, however. I am a weak swimmer and I'm not sure how I can do open water swimming.
Anyway, since all the singletrack is dry, I really wanted to take advantage of it as much as possible. So I went out to BRP this morning, fairly early (for a Saturday) and rode about an hour and a half. It's amazing that after about 45 minutes, I start to ride alot better. I hope to go out tomorrow as well, so maybe I can warm up sooner. I covered myself in Deep Woods Off and it was plenty overgrown out there today. But I only had a couple ticks crawling around on my shoe when I was done. I dispensed with them (I hope).
Then, since it was in the 90's today, I did a few inside chores.
Then I rode up to the pool and did 3/4 mile. I need to take a couple lessons. It's funny that after 30-35 lengths, my form gets even worse as I get tired. But my breathing actually gets better. I am a little disheartened by Ann's open water swim report, however. I am a weak swimmer and I'm not sure how I can do open water swimming.
Friday, June 15, 2007
off day
ahhhh, an off day. I knew I would never get up to do anything this morning and I wanted to go to Parkville by 6:30 to see a Blues band at the Parkville Blues and Jazz Fest. And surely it was time for a complete off day.
So I went to hear Trampled Under Foot ( http://www.tufkc.com/ ), a local KC blues band that I heard once last summer and really liked. It was free and outside, what more could you want? Maybe a pulled pork sandwich and homemade chips. And a couple beers.
It would have been cool to ride up there but I haven't yet and this wasn't the time to check out a new route.
So I went to hear Trampled Under Foot ( http://www.tufkc.com/ ), a local KC blues band that I heard once last summer and really liked. It was free and outside, what more could you want? Maybe a pulled pork sandwich and homemade chips. And a couple beers.
It would have been cool to ride up there but I haven't yet and this wasn't the time to check out a new route.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
3 in 24 ....
I've had three workouts in 24 hours. Not as good as five hours in one day, but I have this pesky job.
Yesterday morning was spinning. Last night I swam 1250 yards. I should have added 2 more lengths to make it 3/4 mile. It wasn't a bad swim. I still stop more than I would like to. Not for any real length of time, usually, but more than I would like. And I am still too much of a baby to try and breathe on the left side.
This morning, I got up and ran about 30 minutes. That's tough, first thing in the morning. I was very stiff and slow. It sure is a nice time of the day to be out, though.
Oh, and I purchased my FOURTH bike. A Trek 1600 WSD. I will have it the last week of June.
Yesterday morning was spinning. Last night I swam 1250 yards. I should have added 2 more lengths to make it 3/4 mile. It wasn't a bad swim. I still stop more than I would like to. Not for any real length of time, usually, but more than I would like. And I am still too much of a baby to try and breathe on the left side.
This morning, I got up and ran about 30 minutes. That's tough, first thing in the morning. I was very stiff and slow. It sure is a nice time of the day to be out, though.
Oh, and I purchased my FOURTH bike. A Trek 1600 WSD. I will have it the last week of June.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
tired ...
Earlier in the week, I had talked about an easy ride on Sunday with a friend of mine. We managed to dodge the rain and rode about 14 miles on the paved trails at Longview Lake. It's pretty flat and we took it pretty easy.
When I got home, I wanted to test out actually carrying something in the panniers of my commuter, so I rode to the store. I didn't have alot to buy, but I did carry home a cantalope and a pound of little potatoes. It worked pretty well.
Monday morning, however, I felt like I was even stiffer than I had been on Sunday, plus my knee was a little sore. So I blew off spinning, which I don't do very often. I figured a yoga-only day would be good.
Yoga seemed to help alot. Even though she started with alot of Hero Pose ( http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/490_1.cfm ) which I cannot do very well when my knee doesn't hurt. Let alone when I have tight quads and a sore knee.
I think I will get me a little swim cap at lunchtime today.
When I got home, I wanted to test out actually carrying something in the panniers of my commuter, so I rode to the store. I didn't have alot to buy, but I did carry home a cantalope and a pound of little potatoes. It worked pretty well.
Monday morning, however, I felt like I was even stiffer than I had been on Sunday, plus my knee was a little sore. So I blew off spinning, which I don't do very often. I figured a yoga-only day would be good.
Yoga seemed to help alot. Even though she started with alot of Hero Pose ( http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/490_1.cfm ) which I cannot do very well when my knee doesn't hurt. Let alone when I have tight quads and a sore knee.
I think I will get me a little swim cap at lunchtime today.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
tongie library 10K
Beautiful morning for a race ... upper 50's at the start, sunny but it never got above 70 during the race. I was up early to trek out to Tonganoxie for the Library 5k/10k. I really didn't feel that confident about my run endurance for a 10K but I didn't want to go all that way to run the 5.
The race is a benefit for the library, where a friend of mine is the director. They had record turnout this year and they put on a nice race! The 10K field was pretty small. Both races started together and about 1.5 miles, the 5K runners turned around.
After that point, the course was rolling hills. I was all alone after the 5K turnoff. There was a little pack in the distance that I thought maybe I could catch, but they were too far out.
I hit mile 1 in 8 flat, which surprised me because I spent a fair amount of time going around people and it felt so easy. Mile 2 was right at 16 and I still felt pretty good. Then I think a big uphill came, because I lost some time in mile 3. I think my mile 3 split was 24:30. I managed to get back to 8 minute pace and hit 4 at about 32:30 or so. Ah, the joys of being gadget free! I just glance at my watch when I cross the mile marker.
I didn't lose much by mile 5, but I was really spent at that point. I somehow managed to hang on for a sweet 51:02 finish. Good enough for second woman overall. A woman young enough to be my child ran a 46-something to win.
While a 51 minute 10K really isn't THAT fantastic, I was very pleased. In fact, I even asked my friend about the course and she said they had it certified. I really didn't think I would be able to hold that pace (average 8:12) for 6 miles. And it really didn't hurt. My knee felt good for the whole race. I had a few other minor aches during the race but that's normal.
It seems I am running faster by running less. All that cross-training really pays off. I credit the spinning more than anything. All those intervals have really boosted my cardio fitness.
I stretched and stayed mobile after the run and then came home and did several hours of yard work. So when I can't get out of bed tomorrow, I won't be sure if it's the running or the yard work.
But it gives me confidence that I'll be able to train for and run the half in October.
And check out my coolio gender-appropriate trophy!
Next up: I think I may do a mountain bike race in July at Landahl. Beginner category.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
post slackers
Some people are not posting all their workouts. Or maybe they are. Slackers.
Today: swim, 1000 m. Did not time it. The last few swims have been so-so. I think I need that lesson or something. I ended up with alot of water up my nose tonight. Or I should do some of the drills.
Yesterday: Spin. Yes I dragged my old lady butt out of bed, despite my beat legs.
Tomorrow: Off Day. Rest for 10K on Saturday.
Today: swim, 1000 m. Did not time it. The last few swims have been so-so. I think I need that lesson or something. I ended up with alot of water up my nose tonight. Or I should do some of the drills.
Yesterday: Spin. Yes I dragged my old lady butt out of bed, despite my beat legs.
Tomorrow: Off Day. Rest for 10K on Saturday.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
my little SMP duathlon
What a beautiful day! Low 80's, low humidity, lots of sun, no wind. Perfect for hitting the SMP trails after work. I thought I would see how trail running felt again also, so this morning I loaded up my mtn bike and running shoes so I could go after work.
Had an excellent close to two hours of activity. Two laps on the bike, both orange and purple trail, great rework of the trails. And then I ran the orange trail (2.5 miles).
I need to get a computer on the mtn bike, because I'd really like to see how far I ride. I don't want to see how slow I ride. Both trails are 4.5 miles, I did them twice for 9 miles. It took a little more than an hour once I got going. I did get in a nice rhythm though, and the second lap was much faster.
And no ticks, it appears. Of course, I coated myself in DeepWoods OFF first.
So we'll see if the old lady can get out of bed for spinning tomorrow. And if I ride to work on Thursday, will I be too whupped for a good race on Saturday??
Monday was the usual Monday: spinning in the am, yoga in the pm.
Had an excellent close to two hours of activity. Two laps on the bike, both orange and purple trail, great rework of the trails. And then I ran the orange trail (2.5 miles).
I need to get a computer on the mtn bike, because I'd really like to see how far I ride. I don't want to see how slow I ride. Both trails are 4.5 miles, I did them twice for 9 miles. It took a little more than an hour once I got going. I did get in a nice rhythm though, and the second lap was much faster.
And no ticks, it appears. Of course, I coated myself in DeepWoods OFF first.
So we'll see if the old lady can get out of bed for spinning tomorrow. And if I ride to work on Thursday, will I be too whupped for a good race on Saturday??
Monday was the usual Monday: spinning in the am, yoga in the pm.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
getting used to clipless ...
I am a really big weenie or the new Trek is really heavy or clipless pedals make a huge difference in how hard you work on the bike. I may go out and get the same pedals for blue Trek so I can really compare. But my legs were whupped going up hills and I am not really going that much faster. I'm not sure what to think of that. It has to make me stronger eventually. I can really tell that you are pulling as much as you're pushing.
I would like to name the new Trek "Silver Bullet" but it's too utilitarian for that.
One nice thing about my increasing bike stable is that I feel like I can work on them a little without fear of screwing up my only ride.
I did the first part, not quite half, of my route to work, out to Antioch. So about 15 round trip, ~13 mph. Though my super cheap computer doesn't have average speed. Should have checked out what the six functions were exactly ... Oh well, this bike isn't really for training.
I made some adjustments and then went back out for about 3 more easy miles.
I would like to name the new Trek "Silver Bullet" but it's too utilitarian for that.
One nice thing about my increasing bike stable is that I feel like I can work on them a little without fear of screwing up my only ride.
I did the first part, not quite half, of my route to work, out to Antioch. So about 15 round trip, ~13 mph. Though my super cheap computer doesn't have average speed. Should have checked out what the six functions were exactly ... Oh well, this bike isn't really for training.
I made some adjustments and then went back out for about 3 more easy miles.
Had a make-up spin class Saturday morning, which worked out well because that was the only time I had.
I did not make it to Chaka Khan because I was entertaining my relatives on my porch. I even had good hair too. Oh well, I wasn't sure I was really up for it anyway.
I hope to get in a decent ride today.
I did not make it to Chaka Khan because I was entertaining my relatives on my porch. I even had good hair too. Oh well, I wasn't sure I was really up for it anyway.
I hope to get in a decent ride today.
Friday, June 1, 2007
tgif why not
Even though I am playing hostess all weekend.
Did 1000 meters (44 lengths).
First 500 in 13:20 but that did not include about 30 secs of goggle malfunction.
Didn't time the second 500.
I think a private lesson or two would be a good investment for me.
Did 1000 meters (44 lengths).
First 500 in 13:20 but that did not include about 30 secs of goggle malfunction.
Didn't time the second 500.
I think a private lesson or two would be a good investment for me.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
good run
I wanted to get in a good ~48 minute run tonight as my last "long" run before the possible 10K next Saturday. It didn't quite work out to be that long but it sure felt good. 41:30 on the TT. I hit my turnaround at 22, so my second half was faster, which I always like to see.
Then I did some ab work on the ball. I really haven't taken to the ball much. I think I need another lesson.
Then I did some ab work on the ball. I really haven't taken to the ball much. I think I need another lesson.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Back in the routine ....
Well, some have decided to blog again, I see.
I ended up doing nothing Monday or Tuesday. While the break was probably good physically, my mind and spirit start to go a little stir crazy after 48 hours without a good sweat.
So I was ready for a good workout today. I had to struggle to get up for spinning and, once there, the instructor was not. That was a first. So we tried to call a couple times, but no answer. Finally at 6:30 most of us went down to the fitness room to do whatever. I ellipticalled for 30 minutes. Very, very boring without the ipod. I would have hit the treadmill but I didn't have my running shoes.
Tonight I have chores. And it's raining AGAIN! It seems like it has just rained forever. But we are actually right on track for May and the year so far. I think I have mold growing it's so humid. I could turn on the A/C but it's just not that hot and I love the open windows.
I ended up doing nothing Monday or Tuesday. While the break was probably good physically, my mind and spirit start to go a little stir crazy after 48 hours without a good sweat.
So I was ready for a good workout today. I had to struggle to get up for spinning and, once there, the instructor was not. That was a first. So we tried to call a couple times, but no answer. Finally at 6:30 most of us went down to the fitness room to do whatever. I ellipticalled for 30 minutes. Very, very boring without the ipod. I would have hit the treadmill but I didn't have my running shoes.
Tonight I have chores. And it's raining AGAIN! It seems like it has just rained forever. But we are actually right on track for May and the year so far. I think I have mold growing it's so humid. I could turn on the A/C but it's just not that hot and I love the open windows.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Breakfast Bar: RoadRunner
Well despite being really happy with the reliability of my DSL over the last 7 (?) years, it was time to bite the bullet and consolidate. I switched everything to Time Warner. I thought alot about going landline-less. But cell phone reception sucks (at least mine does) in the back of the house and I hate holding that little phone and it gets all hot and everything. But the landline may not last long ....
I was always happy with my DSL speed but looks like I'm getting even more with RoadRunner:
Of course, they already screwed up the phone order. My number was supposed to be switched over automatically but it wasn't. They will fix it, but it will take about 10 days. Oh well, I hardly answered it anyway.
I was always happy with my DSL speed but looks like I'm getting even more with RoadRunner:
Of course, they already screwed up the phone order. My number was supposed to be switched over automatically but it wasn't. They will fix it, but it will take about 10 days. Oh well, I hardly answered it anyway.
Saturday I broke in the new bike with a 16 mile ride downtown and back. Even with most of the gear taken off, it's still pretty heavy with the rack on there. I didn't have much trouble with the clipless pedals, however. It is more trouble clipping back in, especially when a car is behind you. But that will all come with practice.
Later in the day, we went for a swim. I got about 40 lengths in. But it didn't feel that great. I was going to time my 36 but I messed it up so I just gave up on the timing as I was sucking anyway.
Sunday, we celebrated my birthday by going for a little run. It was cool but the humidity was a shock to my Colorado guest. We did my short Trolley Trail route, 3 miles maybe. We walked some of it, but Sarah hung in there really well. She'll be running 5K's in a month or two if she wants to.
Later in the day, we went for a swim. I got about 40 lengths in. But it didn't feel that great. I was going to time my 36 but I messed it up so I just gave up on the timing as I was sucking anyway.
Sunday, we celebrated my birthday by going for a little run. It was cool but the humidity was a shock to my Colorado guest. We did my short Trolley Trail route, 3 miles maybe. We walked some of it, but Sarah hung in there really well. She'll be running 5K's in a month or two if she wants to.
Friday, May 25, 2007
nooner ...
I used to do the lunchtime run thing quite a bit before this year, particularly in the winter when it was really nice to be out in the sunshine. However, I am out of the habit of hydrating enough and not eating so much in the morning, so this run was a little tough. 45 minutes, alas no gadgetry for distance or pace. Also no altimeter to judge the incline on Prairie St Pkway, which seemed especially brutal today.
I was nearly taken out by a turning Honda Civic, whose driver apparently did not look my way. God, don't come between the cubicle dweller and his/her lunch. "Always make eye contact!"
Another downside of the nooner run is that I don't really have a good place to stretch out and do any other exercises other than the locker room floor, which is of questionable hygiene. And I don't have a good way to ice myself afterwards.
And once again, props to the 'burbs for the very nice finish of the Mill Creek trail under Prairie Star. I had not run on it since they completed the work down there. Next time I want to ride at SMP after work, I don't even have to drive over there, I can ride almost entirely offroad to the park from the office.
I was nearly taken out by a turning Honda Civic, whose driver apparently did not look my way. God, don't come between the cubicle dweller and his/her lunch. "Always make eye contact!"
Another downside of the nooner run is that I don't really have a good place to stretch out and do any other exercises other than the locker room floor, which is of questionable hygiene. And I don't have a good way to ice myself afterwards.
And once again, props to the 'burbs for the very nice finish of the Mill Creek trail under Prairie Star. I had not run on it since they completed the work down there. Next time I want to ride at SMP after work, I don't even have to drive over there, I can ride almost entirely offroad to the park from the office.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Total Rest Day
I brought running stuff to work thinking I might go for a run at lunchtime, as both before and after work were out. But I'm going to take today completely off and go tomorrow. I got here late anyway and I've had low-level soreness all week.
The spin intervals and killer ab set we did yesterday still linger.
I've had some easy days in the last couple weeks but no true off day.
Makes me think I will need to really plan how to taper for a tri or the half, especially at my advanced age.
The spin intervals and killer ab set we did yesterday still linger.
I've had some easy days in the last couple weeks but no true off day.
Makes me think I will need to really plan how to taper for a tri or the half, especially at my advanced age.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Calzone Bar: bikely.com
For the good of the internets and any other lost soul who wants to ride to Lenexa, I posted my route. I'm quite proud of it really. It didn't really calculate the bike path distance part too well.
Now this is when a Forerunner would come in handy!
bikely.com is pretty cool if you haven't checked it out.
Now this is when a Forerunner would come in handy!
bikely.com is pretty cool if you haven't checked it out.
good news and bad news
Swimming, 50 lengths. 30 in 19:07. That is the good news.
The bad news is that it really is only 25 yards, not meters. Not much difference you think ? Well it takes 36 lengths for a half mile instead of 30. I am sooooo happy I didn't see that sign the first night I swam there when I sputtered and choked and gasped for air the whole time.
So it seems to me it's a little bit of false advertising as they say they have a 25 m pool. But they have this little width long lane of shallow water that is at the 25 yard mark. So there is no way you can swim a 25 m length. Sigh.
But I swam 1250 yds tonight total. How do I count to 36? I liked my little 10 length segments.
On another note, I switched the prize bike for a smaller one. The frame seems pretty small but the fit is OK. It's pretty upright, more so than my other Trek. The original one was just a tad too big and I could not get the seat low enough with the seatbag and the rack. It's still heavy. I think that rack is made of lead. I also added a very basic computer and clipless pedals, which meant buying shoes too. I wanted to practice that tonight but really had to get to the pool.
OK so even before the bike win, I wanted to start riding to work once a week if possible. Mostly for fun and a workout but there are some real gas dollars saved now. I just paid $3.29/gallon. My trip to work is 40 miles, roundtrip ( I think, I probably need to reclock). I get an average of 25 mph, combined city and highway (as much as you can call 435 in rush hour highway). So eliminating one trip to work each week saves $5.24 right now. I just paid $5.91 for a six pack. How about that ? If and when gas hits $4, I'm up to 6.40. Just to go to WORK!
The bad news is that it really is only 25 yards, not meters. Not much difference you think ? Well it takes 36 lengths for a half mile instead of 30. I am sooooo happy I didn't see that sign the first night I swam there when I sputtered and choked and gasped for air the whole time.
So it seems to me it's a little bit of false advertising as they say they have a 25 m pool. But they have this little width long lane of shallow water that is at the 25 yard mark. So there is no way you can swim a 25 m length. Sigh.
But I swam 1250 yds tonight total. How do I count to 36? I liked my little 10 length segments.
On another note, I switched the prize bike for a smaller one. The frame seems pretty small but the fit is OK. It's pretty upright, more so than my other Trek. The original one was just a tad too big and I could not get the seat low enough with the seatbag and the rack. It's still heavy. I think that rack is made of lead. I also added a very basic computer and clipless pedals, which meant buying shoes too. I wanted to practice that tonight but really had to get to the pool.
OK so even before the bike win, I wanted to start riding to work once a week if possible. Mostly for fun and a workout but there are some real gas dollars saved now. I just paid $3.29/gallon. My trip to work is 40 miles, roundtrip ( I think, I probably need to reclock). I get an average of 25 mph, combined city and highway (as much as you can call 435 in rush hour highway). So eliminating one trip to work each week saves $5.24 right now. I just paid $5.91 for a six pack. How about that ? If and when gas hits $4, I'm up to 6.40. Just to go to WORK!
Monday, May 21, 2007
monday ...
The usual Monday routine: spin and yoga.
I need to start logging some run miles as I want to run a 10K June 9, the Tonganoxie Library Run ( http://www.tonganoxiedays.com/Library_10K.html ). I need to get out for at least one 50 minute run before then.
Tomorrow I will take the new bike in and see what they can do about a different size.
I need to start logging some run miles as I want to run a 10K June 9, the Tonganoxie Library Run ( http://www.tonganoxiedays.com/Library_10K.html ). I need to get out for at least one 50 minute run before then.
Tomorrow I will take the new bike in and see what they can do about a different size.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I won! I won!
Well I was going to title this with something about it being my 50th post and I still have nothing worthwhile to contribute, but I have something much cooler! I won the commuter-ready bike at the Bike to Work party today!
Now I have no excuse for not riding to work once a week and the panniers will make it possible to do store trips as well. I think the actual bike I won is too big for me. I can ride it but I don't really have the clearance that I should have (ouchie!) and I can't really get the seat low enough with the under-seat bag attached. So I will take it in to the Trek Store and see what they can do.
A fun afternoon of free Boulevard ( http://www.blvdbeer.com/ ) and hanging out with other cyclists. We had a nice 12 mile round trip ride down to the Brewery in perfect weather.
I wish I had more to contribute than 44 miles but at least it did include a lengthy round-trip work commute.
Now ... the road bike? What, we don't all need FOUR bikes? They each have different purpose: mountain, road, commute and around town fun ....
Saturday, May 19, 2007
saturday .....
Yesterday, I went out for a short TT run. Really felt slow. Maybe it was the humongous portion of leftover pasta I had for lunch or maybe it was the filched KitKat at 4:15. Or my legs were still dead from Thursday's near-40 miler. Also, I find I just don't run well on a sunny day over about 70. It can be 15 and sunny and I'm fine. Or it can be 95 and overcast and I can handle it, but the sun beating down on me just takes it out of me.
Today I met up with some girls to ride at Landahl. Two hours. I never felt like I really got in a good rhythm but I haven't been on that bike in about a month. Someone had a Polar HRM that did the calorie calculations and, for her, it showed about 1050 burned. I'll take that or even close. That should help with the fatness I felt yesterday.
Today I met up with some girls to ride at Landahl. Two hours. I never felt like I really got in a good rhythm but I haven't been on that bike in about a month. Someone had a Polar HRM that did the calorie calculations and, for her, it showed about 1050 burned. I'll take that or even close. That should help with the fatness I felt yesterday.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
You CAN commute to Lenexa by bike ...
38 miles, round trip.
My morning route got messed up, due to a stopped train on 67th. After waiting 10 - 15 minutes, I backtracked and went down to 75th St. Which sucked. Too busy, too narrow.
I got to do the regular route on the way home. It's really very pleasant. There are only short stretches of traffic to deal with. There are some big-ass hills on 67th but that doesn't bother me. I would rather do those hills than deal with 75th St.
I considered riding again tomorrow, but I'm not really prepared. Maybe one day next week.
My morning route got messed up, due to a stopped train on 67th. After waiting 10 - 15 minutes, I backtracked and went down to 75th St. Which sucked. Too busy, too narrow.
I got to do the regular route on the way home. It's really very pleasant. There are only short stretches of traffic to deal with. There are some big-ass hills on 67th but that doesn't bother me. I would rather do those hills than deal with 75th St.
I considered riding again tomorrow, but I'm not really prepared. Maybe one day next week.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Sidebar: Stumblin' In
One of the many benefits of Sirius is hearing alot of stuff you haven't heard in forever. So all morning I had Suzi Quattro's 'Stumblin' In' in my head.
I think maybe I had a little thing for her back in the day ...
I think maybe I had a little thing for her back in the day ...
Spinning this morning. Rode there for a 2 mile contribution.
I considered coming home and riding down for a calzone, to pad my stats. But decided I should make dinner as planned. I did, however, stop at BikeAmerica on the way home. They have a cool sizing machine that told me I needed a 50 cm bike, more or less, and it also has the other measurements ... seat height, distance between handlebars and seat, etc.
I test-rode a Trek 1200 (a 2006 model) that was a little big for me and a Trek Pilot (WSD) that actually was sold already. Unfortunately, they didn't have a Trek 1000 or 1600 in the WSD line. Those are very popular apparently and they can't keep them in.
It will take some time to get used to a road bike. It's different.
I considered coming home and riding down for a calzone, to pad my stats. But decided I should make dinner as planned. I did, however, stop at BikeAmerica on the way home. They have a cool sizing machine that told me I needed a 50 cm bike, more or less, and it also has the other measurements ... seat height, distance between handlebars and seat, etc.
I test-rode a Trek 1200 (a 2006 model) that was a little big for me and a Trek Pilot (WSD) that actually was sold already. Unfortunately, they didn't have a Trek 1000 or 1600 in the WSD line. Those are very popular apparently and they can't keep them in.
It will take some time to get used to a road bike. It's different.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
750 meters, 21 mins
I am sure that's nothing to brag about but I was happy to discover I could swim 30 laps with a minimum of stopping. That's the race distance. Then I did 10 more for fun.
Now that I know I can cover the distance, at least in the pool, I need to work on better form and endurance. And then figure out how I'm going to practice open-water swimming. I have this feeling that swimming in the pool is to open-water swimming as bike path riding is to singletrack riding, at Landahl, on the rocks, uphill.
I added 4 miles in bike errands (gym, CVS) to at least get on the board for BTWW.
I am happy. And I'm having french fries.
Now that I know I can cover the distance, at least in the pool, I need to work on better form and endurance. And then figure out how I'm going to practice open-water swimming. I have this feeling that swimming in the pool is to open-water swimming as bike path riding is to singletrack riding, at Landahl, on the rocks, uphill.
I added 4 miles in bike errands (gym, CVS) to at least get on the board for BTWW.
I am happy. And I'm having french fries.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Took my bike out to Lenexa to check out the bikepaths and I can use them to avoid almost all of Lackman Road. It might be a little slower, though it will cut out a few hills using the path, but I'd rather slow down for a kid on a bike than deal with cranky commuters in SUV at 5:30.
Ran late, Loose Park, 39 minutes. Legs dead from all the yard work I guess.
Made it to spinning, though, and legs were still dead.
Yoga tonight will feel good.
Ran late, Loose Park, 39 minutes. Legs dead from all the yard work I guess.
Made it to spinning, though, and legs were still dead.
Yoga tonight will feel good.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
car-free saturday
Today is the first day of bike to work week and I need to sign up. You get credit for any miles that you biked (or walked or bussed) instead of driving.
So today I biked to a picnic for the KC LGCC at Swope Park and then we rode to have some beers on the porch and then I rode home and found my bike bag, which fits a sixer just fine.
So about 25 miles in all, spread over a few hours. That's OK I needed a rest day and some saddle time.
So today I biked to a picnic for the KC LGCC at Swope Park and then we rode to have some beers on the porch and then I rode home and found my bike bag, which fits a sixer just fine.
So about 25 miles in all, spread over a few hours. That's OK I needed a rest day and some saddle time.
Sidebar: Teriyaki Bowls
There are a few things that KC really lacks, IMHO. One of them is a chain like Tokyo Joe's or Kokoro (both found in Denver). But we do have ONE place like that, that I know of anyway. Maui Express ( http://mauiexpresskc.com/ ) not so conveniently located at 8750 Santa Fe in Overland Park. It is somewhat close to work for me.
I love this place. I get a regular chicken teriyaki bowl, substitute brown rice for white rice and all white meat chicken. It's a huge bowl of chicken, rice and veggies. Good stuff. There is a large bowl, but even I couldn't eat that much (probably).
Anyway, it's been open about a year. Hopefully doing well. I am going to try and go there more, as it is a really good lunch choice.
I love this place. I get a regular chicken teriyaki bowl, substitute brown rice for white rice and all white meat chicken. It's a huge bowl of chicken, rice and veggies. Good stuff. There is a large bowl, but even I couldn't eat that much (probably).
Anyway, it's been open about a year. Hopefully doing well. I am going to try and go there more, as it is a really good lunch choice.
Ran about 30 minutes on TT. Warm day.
I might have found my route for BTWW. I may take the bike out there later or tomorrow or early next week to see if these bikepaths shown on the map go through, allowing me to miss most of Lackman Road. Which isn't that busy, but narrower than I thought. Then it looks like 67th to Antioch and then have to ride on Antioch for a few blocks to 71st. Then that's it. Once I have the real route, I'll post at bikely.com. Oh and it will be about 15 miles, not bad. It's over 20 by car on my usual driving route.
I will give JoCo credit for this: they have a decent number of bike trails. Hopefully KCMO will really get its act together in the next few years.
I might have found my route for BTWW. I may take the bike out there later or tomorrow or early next week to see if these bikepaths shown on the map go through, allowing me to miss most of Lackman Road. Which isn't that busy, but narrower than I thought. Then it looks like 67th to Antioch and then have to ride on Antioch for a few blocks to 71st. Then that's it. Once I have the real route, I'll post at bikely.com. Oh and it will be about 15 miles, not bad. It's over 20 by car on my usual driving route.
I will give JoCo credit for this: they have a decent number of bike trails. Hopefully KCMO will really get its act together in the next few years.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sidebar: Bike to Work Week
Eric has inspired me to at least think about riding to work one day next week, since it is Bike to Work Week ( http://kcbike.info/bike2work/2007/ ). Now this is no small feat, as it is probably a good 15 miles one-way to the distant reaches of Lenexa, maybe more. The trick will be finding streets that don't have too much traffic, yet actually go somewhere.
This weekend I may have to scout out some routes. We have showers at work and even a crappy bike rack outside. I'm not sure how I'll handle clothes and all that. Thank god I don't mess with makeup.
So depending on the weather forecast and my motivation .... we'll see. Hmmm, how will I get lunch since I probably won't want to bring it and there is NOTHING that close except the vending machines.
This weekend I may have to scout out some routes. We have showers at work and even a crappy bike rack outside. I'm not sure how I'll handle clothes and all that. Thank god I don't mess with makeup.
So depending on the weather forecast and my motivation .... we'll see. Hmmm, how will I get lunch since I probably won't want to bring it and there is NOTHING that close except the vending machines.
Swimming sucking less
Swam for 40 minutes or so. It is getting much, much better. Next time I should count laps. Plus I have the e-book with drills to work on.
Let's hope it will work on the tricep and back flab ...
I might have to get a swim cap, though. I fear it is going to destroy my pricey semi-permanent color in my hair.
Let's hope it will work on the tricep and back flab ...
I might have to get a swim cap, though. I fear it is going to destroy my pricey semi-permanent color in my hair.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Sidebar: I hate Vista and Nortel
God, it took me nearly an HOUR to get the Contivity VPN client installed on my Vista laptop.
I hate Vista.
I have forgotten why I want the Contivity client on this laptop anyway....
I hate Vista.
I have forgotten why I want the Contivity client on this laptop anyway....
Spinning this morning.
I think that will be it.
In addition to the fact that I have stuff to do after work ... I'm a little sore.
I think that will be it.
In addition to the fact that I have stuff to do after work ... I'm a little sore.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tuesday two-a-day
Dragged my lazy ass to lift this morning.
I had planned to swim tonight but it was just too nice outside. So I rode: almost 18 miles, slow 13 mph average. However, I did break the 25 mph speed limit on Lamar going 27 at one point. I would really like to ride faster. I could blame it on the bike. Or maybe I'm just not fit enough right now. I did one of my standard JoCo routes: over to Belinder, down to Somerset to Lamar, looped around John Diemer Elementary and back.
I had planned to swim tonight but it was just too nice outside. So I rode: almost 18 miles, slow 13 mph average. However, I did break the 25 mph speed limit on Lamar going 27 at one point. I would really like to ride faster. I could blame it on the bike. Or maybe I'm just not fit enough right now. I did one of my standard JoCo routes: over to Belinder, down to Somerset to Lamar, looped around John Diemer Elementary and back.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Swimming, take two
The rain made us change our minds about the baseball game today. Just as well, as they lost 13-4 and it probably rained through the whole game.
So we saw 'The Namesake' which was excellent. And then went to the pool where coach Sarah gave me a few helpful hints about swimming. And it didn't suck nearly as much this time. I was alot less out of breath. I didn't count laps as I am just trying to work on getting comfortable and trying to improve my form at this point, but we swam for 40 - 45 minutes, until the pool closed.
So we saw 'The Namesake' which was excellent. And then went to the pool where coach Sarah gave me a few helpful hints about swimming. And it didn't suck nearly as much this time. I was alot less out of breath. I didn't count laps as I am just trying to work on getting comfortable and trying to improve my form at this point, but we swam for 40 - 45 minutes, until the pool closed.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Quickie ...
Somehow the housecleaning took FOREVER and I still didn't get it all done.
But I have my priorities in order so I finally just had to stop so I could get to the gym.
30 minutes - Elliptical - Hill program Level 9
Abbreviated core and stretching
But I have my priorities in order so I finally just had to stop so I could get to the gym.
30 minutes - Elliptical - Hill program Level 9
Abbreviated core and stretching
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Rain ...
38:15 on the Loose Park route. In the rain. Well sort of a heavy mist. Nearly perfect running conditions, though my shorts were pretty wet by the end.
And, in honor of burger week AND beans out of a can week, I am having a Spicy Black Bean burger for dinner, with cheddar cheese and some red onion. And some "oven fries" -- baked Ore-Idas. Yum.
However, I will NOT be watching the Republican candidate debate. The thought of paying attention to all that for the next 18 months is mind-numbing.
I have two DVR'ed episodes of Workout to watch. Truly what more could a girl want than two hours with Jackie? (or 100 minutes ...)
And, in honor of burger week AND beans out of a can week, I am having a Spicy Black Bean burger for dinner, with cheddar cheese and some red onion. And some "oven fries" -- baked Ore-Idas. Yum.
However, I will NOT be watching the Republican candidate debate. The thought of paying attention to all that for the next 18 months is mind-numbing.
I have two DVR'ed episodes of Workout to watch. Truly what more could a girl want than two hours with Jackie? (or 100 minutes ...)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I heart brown rice
with Cuban black beans. I had to improvise some because the recipe had real (not canned) beans. But it was still tasty. Despite a noticeable lack of meat.
Spinning today.
And my calf is sore a little still from my cramp yesterday. But I think it's diminishing.
Spinning today.
And my calf is sore a little still from my cramp yesterday. But I think it's diminishing.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
And I use the word loosely. 30 - 35 minutes, I think. I didn't count laps. I just wanted to swim for awhile.
I got some Hydrospecs like my brother recommended and they seemed to do the trick for keeping the water out. I had to dork around with the straps but I think I finally got them adjusted OK.
That was the good news. Well, and I didn't drown nor require lifeguard effort.
Let's see ... the flutter kick aggravates my knee a little. And there's no way I will even attempt to swim any other stroke. In fact, right now, my knee is pretty sore and I'm going to go ice it down.
I routinely get water in my nose or mouth, which makes me cough like a smoker at the end of the lane. Oh and I get out of breath. I think I need help on breathing. I mean, honestly, I can run 30 - 40 minutes at a good clip so there's no reason that I can't swim for 30 minutes without stopping. I guess it will just take time.
Oh, there is more good news. I can only improve. I have nowhere to go but up. I guess that is worth something.
I would have gone another 5 minutes but I got a nice charley horse using the kickboard. Fortunately, I was at the end of the lane so I was able to scoot around to the ladder. But my calf was all knotted up for a few minutes. That was weird. I don't cramp much. Occasionally in yoga. But never doing anything else.
I got some Hydrospecs like my brother recommended and they seemed to do the trick for keeping the water out. I had to dork around with the straps but I think I finally got them adjusted OK.
That was the good news. Well, and I didn't drown nor require lifeguard effort.
Let's see ... the flutter kick aggravates my knee a little. And there's no way I will even attempt to swim any other stroke. In fact, right now, my knee is pretty sore and I'm going to go ice it down.
I routinely get water in my nose or mouth, which makes me cough like a smoker at the end of the lane. Oh and I get out of breath. I think I need help on breathing. I mean, honestly, I can run 30 - 40 minutes at a good clip so there's no reason that I can't swim for 30 minutes without stopping. I guess it will just take time.
Oh, there is more good news. I can only improve. I have nowhere to go but up. I guess that is worth something.
I would have gone another 5 minutes but I got a nice charley horse using the kickboard. Fortunately, I was at the end of the lane so I was able to scoot around to the ladder. But my calf was all knotted up for a few minutes. That was weird. I don't cramp much. Occasionally in yoga. But never doing anything else.
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