Sunday, December 30, 2007

new year's adam

Well 2007 is nearly over and it has been a good year.

I thought I might make chili today and watch my Buffs, who seem determined to embarrass themselves tonight in the Independence Bowl. But I went over to help E with her speaker situation. We made some progress, getting surround sound working through the receiver, TV and DVD downstairs AND getting receiver and TV in half the upstairs. A visio would have been helpful, though nothing was labeled. She showed her appreciation by buying brunch at Bell St. Mama's, where I had a #32 omelet that caused me to burp onions for several hours.

Finally finished ripping all the CD's in the jukebox. And I'm embarassed to say that I just yesterday realized that iTunes could do a big fat random shuffle of everything. I'm thinking about spending a little and going iPod in the living room. A big iPod classic and run it through the receiver. I'm about to fill up the 300 jukebox, though frankly, some of it is just crap that needs to be removed: Gretchen Wilson... I'm not responsible for that. CD's are just so 1990-something.

And, another embarrassing confession especially for a big-time IT geek, I've gone IE free on the laptop. Well, I'm not using it. Except to check work OWA. And I sure wish I could get complete remote access to work on Vista.

I may be one of about four people in the office tomorrow. Great day to clean the desk and have a McRib.


Eric Rogers said...

OH NO YOU DIDN'T just dis Gretchen!

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