Saturday, June 14, 2008

gadget envy

I have two new toys. Well, they are both new to me, but one is brand spanking new to the world.

I am listening to my 80 GB iPod Classic playing through my receiver and surround sound speakers, which has replaced the 300 CD jukebox. I think it sounds fine, despite most CD's being ripped at whatever the default is. The volume has to be cranked up quite a bit compared to the CD player and I don't have a remote to skip to the next track, but now I can make playlists and I was running out of room in the jukebox. And I have a fair amount of stuff in MP3 format only now.

I am also the proud owner of a Garmin Forerunner 405. Now I too can meticulously track my workouts and post the intimate details of my heart rate to the internets. I eschewed fancy gadgets for a long time. Why sometimes I don't even wear a watch when I go for a run! The horror!

I have a had a very simple HRM for a few years that I wore occasionally but it was basically limited to telling you what your HR was. And then I tried to change the battery myself several months ago and ended up with extra parts, though it still ran.

But no more! Now I can share with you this:
This particular workout stirred up some kind of allergy that caused my eyelids to puff up and put my Friday night plans into temporary jeopardy. Weird. But I recovered.

I can't wait to chart a bike ride with it and I should probably get the bike mount so I don't have to wear it. Because I really sweat under that thing. While the 405 is considerably smaller than previous models, it's still large, especially on my scrawny little wrist. But it does resemble a regular watch.

I am a little sad that it did not even make a cursory effort at estimating my calorie expenditure for an indoor workout. OK, well not that sad because I don't care that much. And anyway, the machine claimed I burned nearly 500, which I think is dubious at best. I'm curious to see how it estimates that for cycling.

So I have finally joined the 21st century as far as working out and listening to music. What's next??


Ann and Tim said...

SWEET! I am so happy that you joined us in the "future."

And a Trolley Trail run. FUN!!!

Hardlynot said...

would it be inappropriate if i told you that i wanted to sleep with your garmin?

Mary said...

i guess i could have let you touch it yesterday ...

Eric Rogers said...

Yay! intimate details :)