Monday, October 15, 2007

#101 - why you should BYO mat to yoga

I don't get why folks who do yoga on a regular basis don't spring for a $20 mat of their own. After my first class, I went out and got my own. Granted, I have a thing about feet and I don't want to be using some mat that a bunch of dirty, sweaty feet have been all over, but even without that phobia ...come on.

I have either a little head cold or allergies and I dripped on my mat several times tonight. Now some places charge $1 for mat rental and then claim to clean them. But really, why do you want to be swapping foot cooties, if not more, with strangers?

Yesterday was one of those beautiful fall days that you must take advantage of because you never know how many more you will get. I took off for a leisurely, albeit hilly, ride to downtown KC and then back on the West side.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


CU game is fugly. Guess I didn't even need points, I'm still buying lunch.

It must have poured for at least six hours, starting at 3 am today. Several huge thunderclaps right overhead, with the best coming about 9:30 this morning that brought down the cable line, including internet and phone, and set off the alarm. My neighbors told me they thought lightning actually hit the house. If it did, it thankfully did not fry any electronics as far as I can tell.

I had no choice but to elliptical for 30 minutes, which was sorta fun since I never do it any more. Nice to rediscover the ipod.

Last night swam 1650. It mostly sucked. I feel like I just thrash around. Then had Sharp's garlicky veggie-chicken pasta, which I like, but it sure doesn't like me a few hours later. Especially with a huge storm going on above me.

Thursday night, the LONG run. I think I wanted to do 9 - 10 miles. But since I have no gadgets, I have to guess and assume that a slow training pace is about 9 minute miles. So I should have run not much more than 90 minutes. But I got it in my head that I needed to run 1:45. So I ended up doing the entire Trolley Trail, well Volker - 85th, round trip. It was about 1:41. Felt really great except for my back, which was tight for the last two-thirds at least. When I got home, it nearly spasmed for awhile. Finally, it mellowed with some ibuprofen and very gentle stretching. Weird. Running rarely bothers my back, especially when I do it late in the day.

I should have done that run last week as it's getting too close to the race. The big race that all were gunning for this year. Yet somehow it looks like it will be me and my lonesome for a couple hours on Saturday morning. Well and a few hundred of my closest friends.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

random post #99

I had a fantastic week of pseudo-vacation. Five days of training on the BlueCoat web proxy/cache appliance, conveniently located in the Crossroads neighborhood of KC. Let's see what was so cool about it -

1 - NO DRIVING on 435. In fact, I drove one day out of five. I rode my bike three days and took the MAX once. And I only drove Friday because I had the course books and did not want to tote them around all over First Friday and Beer-a-rama.
2 - No beige cubicle land.
3 - Five days of lunches, from local places: Bulldog, JackStack, Cigar Box, Lidia's and the Hereford House. Can't beat that with a stick. No strip malls!
4 - A chance to remember that, really it's cool to work in IT. Now let's hope that will stick past tomorrow ...

So I got a nice, easy 12 mile ride three days. It was unseasonably warm most of last week, but still cool enough in the morning to not have to worry about a change of clothes or excessive sweating.

Other random thoughts:

I finished the next-to-last week of my 'swim a mile' program. By sometime the week after next, theoretically, I will be able to swim a mile (1650 yards, which actually is a metric mile 1500m, and not a true mile, which is 1760 yards) without 'stopping.'

Why is it that the minute I am done swimming and stand up, I have to pee like a racehorse?

A good 30 miler on the bike this morning. That may be it for the season, with the darkness in the early mornings and the questionable weather. I doubt I will ride much next weekend since I need to get in a 10 mile run, probably Thursday, which will leave my legs dead for a few days.

And two weeks from today is the half-mary. Which I may be running as if I'm 31 all over again. Hmmmm.... I do believe I'm faster now, what up with that? Nevertheless, I still hope to break two hours. If I can do nines the whole way, that's 1:55. My PR is 1:47 but really that doesn't much count, it was the Georgetown-Idaho Springs half, which loses 1000 ft in elevation over the course. Not happening on these hills here ....

I've run two KC half courses in 2:02-ish. The good thing about this year's course is the relatively long, flat stretch from 8 or 9 in. At Hospital Hill 2003, I wanted to cry as I hit mile 10 going up effin' JC Nichols Pkway from the Plaza. And as I recall, climbing out of River Market at the Humana 2002 Half towards the finish was equally painful.