Thursday, May 31, 2007

good run

I wanted to get in a good ~48 minute run tonight as my last "long" run before the possible 10K next Saturday. It didn't quite work out to be that long but it sure felt good. 41:30 on the TT. I hit my turnaround at 22, so my second half was faster, which I always like to see.

Then I did some ab work on the ball. I really haven't taken to the ball much. I think I need another lesson.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Back in the routine ....

Well, some have decided to blog again, I see.

I ended up doing nothing Monday or Tuesday. While the break was probably good physically, my mind and spirit start to go a little stir crazy after 48 hours without a good sweat.

So I was ready for a good workout today. I had to struggle to get up for spinning and, once there, the instructor was not. That was a first. So we tried to call a couple times, but no answer. Finally at 6:30 most of us went down to the fitness room to do whatever. I ellipticalled for 30 minutes. Very, very boring without the ipod. I would have hit the treadmill but I didn't have my running shoes.

Tonight I have chores. And it's raining AGAIN! It seems like it has just rained forever. But we are actually right on track for May and the year so far. I think I have mold growing it's so humid. I could turn on the A/C but it's just not that hot and I love the open windows.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Breakfast Bar: RoadRunner

Well despite being really happy with the reliability of my DSL over the last 7 (?) years, it was time to bite the bullet and consolidate. I switched everything to Time Warner. I thought alot about going landline-less. But cell phone reception sucks (at least mine does) in the back of the house and I hate holding that little phone and it gets all hot and everything. But the landline may not last long ....

I was always happy with my DSL speed but looks like I'm getting even more with RoadRunner:

Of course, they already screwed up the phone order. My number was supposed to be switched over automatically but it wasn't. They will fix it, but it will take about 10 days. Oh well, I hardly answered it anyway.


Saturday I broke in the new bike with a 16 mile ride downtown and back. Even with most of the gear taken off, it's still pretty heavy with the rack on there. I didn't have much trouble with the clipless pedals, however. It is more trouble clipping back in, especially when a car is behind you. But that will all come with practice.

Later in the day, we went for a swim. I got about 40 lengths in. But it didn't feel that great. I was going to time my 36 but I messed it up so I just gave up on the timing as I was sucking anyway.

Sunday, we celebrated my birthday by going for a little run. It was cool but the humidity was a shock to my Colorado guest. We did my short Trolley Trail route, 3 miles maybe. We walked some of it, but Sarah hung in there really well. She'll be running 5K's in a month or two if she wants to.

Friday, May 25, 2007

nooner ...

I used to do the lunchtime run thing quite a bit before this year, particularly in the winter when it was really nice to be out in the sunshine. However, I am out of the habit of hydrating enough and not eating so much in the morning, so this run was a little tough. 45 minutes, alas no gadgetry for distance or pace. Also no altimeter to judge the incline on Prairie St Pkway, which seemed especially brutal today.

I was nearly taken out by a turning Honda Civic, whose driver apparently did not look my way. God, don't come between the cubicle dweller and his/her lunch. "Always make eye contact!"

Another downside of the nooner run is that I don't really have a good place to stretch out and do any other exercises other than the locker room floor, which is of questionable hygiene. And I don't have a good way to ice myself afterwards.

And once again, props to the 'burbs for the very nice finish of the Mill Creek trail under Prairie Star. I had not run on it since they completed the work down there. Next time I want to ride at SMP after work, I don't even have to drive over there, I can ride almost entirely offroad to the park from the office.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Total Rest Day

I brought running stuff to work thinking I might go for a run at lunchtime, as both before and after work were out. But I'm going to take today completely off and go tomorrow. I got here late anyway and I've had low-level soreness all week.

The spin intervals and killer ab set we did yesterday still linger.

I've had some easy days in the last couple weeks but no true off day.

Makes me think I will need to really plan how to taper for a tri or the half, especially at my advanced age.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Calzone Bar:

For the good of the internets and any other lost soul who wants to ride to Lenexa, I posted my route. I'm quite proud of it really. It didn't really calculate the bike path distance part too well.

Now this is when a Forerunner would come in handy! is pretty cool if you haven't checked it out.

good news and bad news

Swimming, 50 lengths. 30 in 19:07. That is the good news.

The bad news is that it really is only 25 yards, not meters. Not much difference you think ? Well it takes 36 lengths for a half mile instead of 30. I am sooooo happy I didn't see that sign the first night I swam there when I sputtered and choked and gasped for air the whole time.

So it seems to me it's a little bit of false advertising as they say they have a 25 m pool. But they have this little width long lane of shallow water that is at the 25 yard mark. So there is no way you can swim a 25 m length. Sigh.

But I swam 1250 yds tonight total. How do I count to 36? I liked my little 10 length segments.

On another note, I switched the prize bike for a smaller one. The frame seems pretty small but the fit is OK. It's pretty upright, more so than my other Trek. The original one was just a tad too big and I could not get the seat low enough with the seatbag and the rack. It's still heavy. I think that rack is made of lead. I also added a very basic computer and clipless pedals, which meant buying shoes too. I wanted to practice that tonight but really had to get to the pool.

OK so even before the bike win, I wanted to start riding to work once a week if possible. Mostly for fun and a workout but there are some real gas dollars saved now. I just paid $3.29/gallon. My trip to work is 40 miles, roundtrip ( I think, I probably need to reclock). I get an average of 25 mph, combined city and highway (as much as you can call 435 in rush hour highway). So eliminating one trip to work each week saves $5.24 right now. I just paid $5.91 for a six pack. How about that ? If and when gas hits $4, I'm up to 6.40. Just to go to WORK!

Monday, May 21, 2007

monday ...

The usual Monday routine: spin and yoga.

I need to start logging some run miles as I want to run a 10K June 9, the Tonganoxie Library Run ( ). I need to get out for at least one 50 minute run before then.

Tomorrow I will take the new bike in and see what they can do about a different size.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I won! I won!

Well I was going to title this with something about it being my 50th post and I still have nothing worthwhile to contribute, but I have something much cooler! I won the commuter-ready bike at the Bike to Work party today!
Now I have no excuse for not riding to work once a week and the panniers will make it possible to do store trips as well. I think the actual bike I won is too big for me. I can ride it but I don't really have the clearance that I should have (ouchie!) and I can't really get the seat low enough with the under-seat bag attached. So I will take it in to the Trek Store and see what they can do.
A fun afternoon of free Boulevard ( ) and hanging out with other cyclists. We had a nice 12 mile round trip ride down to the Brewery in perfect weather.
I wish I had more to contribute than 44 miles but at least it did include a lengthy round-trip work commute.

Now ... the road bike? What, we don't all need FOUR bikes? They each have different purpose: mountain, road, commute and around town fun ....

Saturday, May 19, 2007

saturday .....

Yesterday, I went out for a short TT run. Really felt slow. Maybe it was the humongous portion of leftover pasta I had for lunch or maybe it was the filched KitKat at 4:15. Or my legs were still dead from Thursday's near-40 miler. Also, I find I just don't run well on a sunny day over about 70. It can be 15 and sunny and I'm fine. Or it can be 95 and overcast and I can handle it, but the sun beating down on me just takes it out of me.

Today I met up with some girls to ride at Landahl. Two hours. I never felt like I really got in a good rhythm but I haven't been on that bike in about a month. Someone had a Polar HRM that did the calorie calculations and, for her, it showed about 1050 burned. I'll take that or even close. That should help with the fatness I felt yesterday.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

You CAN commute to Lenexa by bike ...

38 miles, round trip.

My morning route got messed up, due to a stopped train on 67th. After waiting 10 - 15 minutes, I backtracked and went down to 75th St. Which sucked. Too busy, too narrow.

I got to do the regular route on the way home. It's really very pleasant. There are only short stretches of traffic to deal with. There are some big-ass hills on 67th but that doesn't bother me. I would rather do those hills than deal with 75th St.

I considered riding again tomorrow, but I'm not really prepared. Maybe one day next week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sidebar: Stumblin' In

One of the many benefits of Sirius is hearing alot of stuff you haven't heard in forever. So all morning I had Suzi Quattro's 'Stumblin' In' in my head.

I think maybe I had a little thing for her back in the day ...


Spinning this morning. Rode there for a 2 mile contribution.

I considered coming home and riding down for a calzone, to pad my stats. But decided I should make dinner as planned. I did, however, stop at BikeAmerica on the way home. They have a cool sizing machine that told me I needed a 50 cm bike, more or less, and it also has the other measurements ... seat height, distance between handlebars and seat, etc.

I test-rode a Trek 1200 (a 2006 model) that was a little big for me and a Trek Pilot (WSD) that actually was sold already. Unfortunately, they didn't have a Trek 1000 or 1600 in the WSD line. Those are very popular apparently and they can't keep them in.

It will take some time to get used to a road bike. It's different.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

750 meters, 21 mins

I am sure that's nothing to brag about but I was happy to discover I could swim 30 laps with a minimum of stopping. That's the race distance. Then I did 10 more for fun.

Now that I know I can cover the distance, at least in the pool, I need to work on better form and endurance. And then figure out how I'm going to practice open-water swimming. I have this feeling that swimming in the pool is to open-water swimming as bike path riding is to singletrack riding, at Landahl, on the rocks, uphill.

I added 4 miles in bike errands (gym, CVS) to at least get on the board for BTWW.

I am happy. And I'm having french fries.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Took my bike out to Lenexa to check out the bikepaths and I can use them to avoid almost all of Lackman Road. It might be a little slower, though it will cut out a few hills using the path, but I'd rather slow down for a kid on a bike than deal with cranky commuters in SUV at 5:30.

Ran late, Loose Park, 39 minutes. Legs dead from all the yard work I guess.

Made it to spinning, though, and legs were still dead.

Yoga tonight will feel good.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

car-free saturday

Today is the first day of bike to work week and I need to sign up. You get credit for any miles that you biked (or walked or bussed) instead of driving.

So today I biked to a picnic for the KC LGCC at Swope Park and then we rode to have some beers on the porch and then I rode home and found my bike bag, which fits a sixer just fine.

So about 25 miles in all, spread over a few hours. That's OK I needed a rest day and some saddle time.

Sidebar: Teriyaki Bowls

There are a few things that KC really lacks, IMHO. One of them is a chain like Tokyo Joe's or Kokoro (both found in Denver). But we do have ONE place like that, that I know of anyway. Maui Express ( ) not so conveniently located at 8750 Santa Fe in Overland Park. It is somewhat close to work for me.

I love this place. I get a regular chicken teriyaki bowl, substitute brown rice for white rice and all white meat chicken. It's a huge bowl of chicken, rice and veggies. Good stuff. There is a large bowl, but even I couldn't eat that much (probably).

Anyway, it's been open about a year. Hopefully doing well. I am going to try and go there more, as it is a really good lunch choice.


Ran about 30 minutes on TT. Warm day.

I might have found my route for BTWW. I may take the bike out there later or tomorrow or early next week to see if these bikepaths shown on the map go through, allowing me to miss most of Lackman Road. Which isn't that busy, but narrower than I thought. Then it looks like 67th to Antioch and then have to ride on Antioch for a few blocks to 71st. Then that's it. Once I have the real route, I'll post at Oh and it will be about 15 miles, not bad. It's over 20 by car on my usual driving route.

I will give JoCo credit for this: they have a decent number of bike trails. Hopefully KCMO will really get its act together in the next few years.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sidebar: Bike to Work Week

Eric has inspired me to at least think about riding to work one day next week, since it is Bike to Work Week ( ). Now this is no small feat, as it is probably a good 15 miles one-way to the distant reaches of Lenexa, maybe more. The trick will be finding streets that don't have too much traffic, yet actually go somewhere.

This weekend I may have to scout out some routes. We have showers at work and even a crappy bike rack outside. I'm not sure how I'll handle clothes and all that. Thank god I don't mess with makeup.

So depending on the weather forecast and my motivation .... we'll see. Hmmm, how will I get lunch since I probably won't want to bring it and there is NOTHING that close except the vending machines.

Swimming sucking less

Swam for 40 minutes or so. It is getting much, much better. Next time I should count laps. Plus I have the e-book with drills to work on.

Let's hope it will work on the tricep and back flab ...

I might have to get a swim cap, though. I fear it is going to destroy my pricey semi-permanent color in my hair.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sidebar: I hate Vista and Nortel

God, it took me nearly an HOUR to get the Contivity VPN client installed on my Vista laptop.

I hate Vista.

I have forgotten why I want the Contivity client on this laptop anyway....


Spinning this morning.

I think that will be it.
In addition to the fact that I have stuff to do after work ... I'm a little sore.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday two-a-day

Dragged my lazy ass to lift this morning.

I had planned to swim tonight but it was just too nice outside. So I rode: almost 18 miles, slow 13 mph average. However, I did break the 25 mph speed limit on Lamar going 27 at one point. I would really like to ride faster. I could blame it on the bike. Or maybe I'm just not fit enough right now. I did one of my standard JoCo routes: over to Belinder, down to Somerset to Lamar, looped around John Diemer Elementary and back.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Running - probably 28 minutes on my short course


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Swimming, take two

The rain made us change our minds about the baseball game today. Just as well, as they lost 13-4 and it probably rained through the whole game.

So we saw 'The Namesake' which was excellent. And then went to the pool where coach Sarah gave me a few helpful hints about swimming. And it didn't suck nearly as much this time. I was alot less out of breath. I didn't count laps as I am just trying to work on getting comfortable and trying to improve my form at this point, but we swam for 40 - 45 minutes, until the pool closed.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Quickie ...

Somehow the housecleaning took FOREVER and I still didn't get it all done.
But I have my priorities in order so I finally just had to stop so I could get to the gym.

30 minutes - Elliptical - Hill program Level 9
Abbreviated core and stretching

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rain ...

38:15 on the Loose Park route. In the rain. Well sort of a heavy mist. Nearly perfect running conditions, though my shorts were pretty wet by the end.

And, in honor of burger week AND beans out of a can week, I am having a Spicy Black Bean burger for dinner, with cheddar cheese and some red onion. And some "oven fries" -- baked Ore-Idas. Yum.

However, I will NOT be watching the Republican candidate debate. The thought of paying attention to all that for the next 18 months is mind-numbing.

I have two DVR'ed episodes of Workout to watch. Truly what more could a girl want than two hours with Jackie? (or 100 minutes ...)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I heart brown rice

with Cuban black beans. I had to improvise some because the recipe had real (not canned) beans. But it was still tasty. Despite a noticeable lack of meat.

Spinning today.

And my calf is sore a little still from my cramp yesterday. But I think it's diminishing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


And I use the word loosely. 30 - 35 minutes, I think. I didn't count laps. I just wanted to swim for awhile.

I got some Hydrospecs like my brother recommended and they seemed to do the trick for keeping the water out. I had to dork around with the straps but I think I finally got them adjusted OK.

That was the good news. Well, and I didn't drown nor require lifeguard effort.

Let's see ... the flutter kick aggravates my knee a little. And there's no way I will even attempt to swim any other stroke. In fact, right now, my knee is pretty sore and I'm going to go ice it down.

I routinely get water in my nose or mouth, which makes me cough like a smoker at the end of the lane. Oh and I get out of breath. I think I need help on breathing. I mean, honestly, I can run 30 - 40 minutes at a good clip so there's no reason that I can't swim for 30 minutes without stopping. I guess it will just take time.

Oh, there is more good news. I can only improve. I have nowhere to go but up. I guess that is worth something.

I would have gone another 5 minutes but I got a nice charley horse using the kickboard. Fortunately, I was at the end of the lane so I was able to scoot around to the ladder. But my calf was all knotted up for a few minutes. That was weird. I don't cramp much. Occasionally in yoga. But never doing anything else.