Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another bike!

I picked up my road Trek today. I even blew off all workouts to do it. I'm sure I had some rationalization of why it was a good idea. Mark at Bike America, took alot of time fitting the bike. They have a cool scanner that measures all your proportions so the bike can be fitted to you. This is alot more important on a road bike as you're likely to spend alot more time on it and in one position.

I added a few accessories: SPD pedals (so I can use the shoes I already had even though they aren't roadie shoes), wireless computer and little tiny seat bag that just barely fits my phone and keys. Just from the tiny bit of riding I did tonight, I think it will take some time to adjust. I like that it's not so upright but I have to get used to the brakes on the drop handlebars and the shifters are actually on the breaks. I'm really glad I already had the clipless experience, though who's to say I still won't crash when I can't unclip fast enough.

So I now have more bikes than computers! Technically that was true before, as I have this nifty old English 3-speed in the basement that I really need to get fixed up. So I have more ride-able bikes than computers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

catching up ...

Lest it appear that I've been sitting on my arse for the last three days .....

Rest assured, I have not.

Monday: the usual Spin and Yoga. I often have a hard time being motivated for yoga, even though I always feel better after it. Monday was no different and we had to do lots of 'partner' exercises which I really really don't like. Even when my actual partner was in class with me, I hated it. It just breaks the flow.

I understand why we do it, as you can often go further into a pose, but I would really prefer to just keep going. And I don't dig on having someone else's foot in my back either. Some of it is a little close and weird. I mean, if I want a massage - we did some 'Thai massage' stuff - I'll just go pay for it. That way, I don't have to reciprocate.

However, once we got done, I felt alot better. I had been out of sorts all day but it seemed to help. Then I came home and watched the Royals beat the Cardinals. So it was all good.

Tuesday: An fairly easy 15 road miles, out my work route to Antioch. I rode Blue Trek, which seemed awful light and fast after the Silver Bullet.

Today: Spin. I love spin class. I hate that it requires getting up at the butt crack of dawn, but it is such a great workout. Sometimes it bugs the back of knee so I ice it down afterwards. I wish we could do a full half-hour of abs and core work. Sad, most of us have to work.

My new roadie bike is in! Not sure how I can get in there tomorrow as it will require some time to fit it. My plan was to swim in the afternoon, as I get to leave early for a dentist appointment. But if I can drag my butt there in the morning, I could go get the bike after the dentist. Then maybe have time for a quick spin ...

Sunday, June 17, 2007


For what it's worth, don't wait around all day in the house (mostly), working (babysitting server maintenance) and think you will go running later in the day. I had nearly lost all motivation and needed to wait until 6 before it was somewhat cooler (8 would have been better, given the heat).

But I made it out the door. Actually given the 86 degree temp and the fact that the sun is still pretty high in the sky at 6 on June 17, I felt pretty good. Almost 40 minutes around Loose Park and back.

I will never appreciate air conditioning as much as I do after a run like that.

Then I made a vat of sausage, spinach and veggie spaghetti.

Oh! And tonight I hear cicadas (or locusts or whatever they are) outside. I LOVE that sound. That means it is really and truly summer.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Post #69

This is post number 69. Heh.

Anyway, since all the singletrack is dry, I really wanted to take advantage of it as much as possible. So I went out to BRP this morning, fairly early (for a Saturday) and rode about an hour and a half. It's amazing that after about 45 minutes, I start to ride alot better. I hope to go out tomorrow as well, so maybe I can warm up sooner. I covered myself in Deep Woods Off and it was plenty overgrown out there today. But I only had a couple ticks crawling around on my shoe when I was done. I dispensed with them (I hope).

Then, since it was in the 90's today, I did a few inside chores.

Then I rode up to the pool and did 3/4 mile. I need to take a couple lessons. It's funny that after 30-35 lengths, my form gets even worse as I get tired. But my breathing actually gets better. I am a little disheartened by Ann's open water swim report, however. I am a weak swimmer and I'm not sure how I can do open water swimming.

Friday, June 15, 2007

off day

ahhhh, an off day. I knew I would never get up to do anything this morning and I wanted to go to Parkville by 6:30 to see a Blues band at the Parkville Blues and Jazz Fest. And surely it was time for a complete off day.

So I went to hear Trampled Under Foot ( ), a local KC blues band that I heard once last summer and really liked. It was free and outside, what more could you want? Maybe a pulled pork sandwich and homemade chips. And a couple beers.

It would have been cool to ride up there but I haven't yet and this wasn't the time to check out a new route.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

3 in 24 ....

I've had three workouts in 24 hours. Not as good as five hours in one day, but I have this pesky job.

Yesterday morning was spinning. Last night I swam 1250 yards. I should have added 2 more lengths to make it 3/4 mile. It wasn't a bad swim. I still stop more than I would like to. Not for any real length of time, usually, but more than I would like. And I am still too much of a baby to try and breathe on the left side.

This morning, I got up and ran about 30 minutes. That's tough, first thing in the morning. I was very stiff and slow. It sure is a nice time of the day to be out, though.

Oh, and I purchased my FOURTH bike. A Trek 1600 WSD. I will have it the last week of June.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

tired ...

Earlier in the week, I had talked about an easy ride on Sunday with a friend of mine. We managed to dodge the rain and rode about 14 miles on the paved trails at Longview Lake. It's pretty flat and we took it pretty easy.

When I got home, I wanted to test out actually carrying something in the panniers of my commuter, so I rode to the store. I didn't have alot to buy, but I did carry home a cantalope and a pound of little potatoes. It worked pretty well.

Monday morning, however, I felt like I was even stiffer than I had been on Sunday, plus my knee was a little sore. So I blew off spinning, which I don't do very often. I figured a yoga-only day would be good.

Yoga seemed to help alot. Even though she started with alot of Hero Pose ( ) which I cannot do very well when my knee doesn't hurt. Let alone when I have tight quads and a sore knee.

I think I will get me a little swim cap at lunchtime today.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

tongie library 10K

Beautiful morning for a race ... upper 50's at the start, sunny but it never got above 70 during the race. I was up early to trek out to Tonganoxie for the Library 5k/10k. I really didn't feel that confident about my run endurance for a 10K but I didn't want to go all that way to run the 5.

The race is a benefit for the library, where a friend of mine is the director. They had record turnout this year and they put on a nice race! The 10K field was pretty small. Both races started together and about 1.5 miles, the 5K runners turned around.

After that point, the course was rolling hills. I was all alone after the 5K turnoff. There was a little pack in the distance that I thought maybe I could catch, but they were too far out.

I hit mile 1 in 8 flat, which surprised me because I spent a fair amount of time going around people and it felt so easy. Mile 2 was right at 16 and I still felt pretty good. Then I think a big uphill came, because I lost some time in mile 3. I think my mile 3 split was 24:30. I managed to get back to 8 minute pace and hit 4 at about 32:30 or so. Ah, the joys of being gadget free! I just glance at my watch when I cross the mile marker.

I didn't lose much by mile 5, but I was really spent at that point. I somehow managed to hang on for a sweet 51:02 finish. Good enough for second woman overall. A woman young enough to be my child ran a 46-something to win.

While a 51 minute 10K really isn't THAT fantastic, I was very pleased. In fact, I even asked my friend about the course and she said they had it certified. I really didn't think I would be able to hold that pace (average 8:12) for 6 miles. And it really didn't hurt. My knee felt good for the whole race. I had a few other minor aches during the race but that's normal.

It seems I am running faster by running less. All that cross-training really pays off. I credit the spinning more than anything. All those intervals have really boosted my cardio fitness.

I stretched and stayed mobile after the run and then came home and did several hours of yard work. So when I can't get out of bed tomorrow, I won't be sure if it's the running or the yard work.

But it gives me confidence that I'll be able to train for and run the half in October.

And check out my coolio gender-appropriate trophy!

Next up: I think I may do a mountain bike race in July at Landahl. Beginner category.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

post slackers

Some people are not posting all their workouts. Or maybe they are. Slackers.

Today: swim, 1000 m. Did not time it. The last few swims have been so-so. I think I need that lesson or something. I ended up with alot of water up my nose tonight. Or I should do some of the drills.

Yesterday: Spin. Yes I dragged my old lady butt out of bed, despite my beat legs.

Tomorrow: Off Day. Rest for 10K on Saturday.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

my little SMP duathlon

What a beautiful day! Low 80's, low humidity, lots of sun, no wind. Perfect for hitting the SMP trails after work. I thought I would see how trail running felt again also, so this morning I loaded up my mtn bike and running shoes so I could go after work.

Had an excellent close to two hours of activity. Two laps on the bike, both orange and purple trail, great rework of the trails. And then I ran the orange trail (2.5 miles).

I need to get a computer on the mtn bike, because I'd really like to see how far I ride. I don't want to see how slow I ride. Both trails are 4.5 miles, I did them twice for 9 miles. It took a little more than an hour once I got going. I did get in a nice rhythm though, and the second lap was much faster.

And no ticks, it appears. Of course, I coated myself in DeepWoods OFF first.

So we'll see if the old lady can get out of bed for spinning tomorrow. And if I ride to work on Thursday, will I be too whupped for a good race on Saturday??

Monday was the usual Monday: spinning in the am, yoga in the pm.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

getting used to clipless ...

I am a really big weenie or the new Trek is really heavy or clipless pedals make a huge difference in how hard you work on the bike. I may go out and get the same pedals for blue Trek so I can really compare. But my legs were whupped going up hills and I am not really going that much faster. I'm not sure what to think of that. It has to make me stronger eventually. I can really tell that you are pulling as much as you're pushing.

I would like to name the new Trek "Silver Bullet" but it's too utilitarian for that.

One nice thing about my increasing bike stable is that I feel like I can work on them a little without fear of screwing up my only ride.

I did the first part, not quite half, of my route to work, out to Antioch. So about 15 round trip, ~13 mph. Though my super cheap computer doesn't have average speed. Should have checked out what the six functions were exactly ... Oh well, this bike isn't really for training.

I made some adjustments and then went back out for about 3 more easy miles.


Had a make-up spin class Saturday morning, which worked out well because that was the only time I had.

I did not make it to Chaka Khan because I was entertaining my relatives on my porch. I even had good hair too. Oh well, I wasn't sure I was really up for it anyway.

I hope to get in a decent ride today.

Friday, June 1, 2007

tgif why not

Even though I am playing hostess all weekend.

Did 1000 meters (44 lengths).

First 500 in 13:20 but that did not include about 30 secs of goggle malfunction.

Didn't time the second 500.

I think a private lesson or two would be a good investment for me.