Saturday, December 8, 2007

icy cold Saturday ...

- I wish we'd just get snow instead of freezing rain or drizzle. I don't understand how it can be 22 degrees and any kind of 'rain' happening. I guess we have a big moisture flow from the Gulf, so it's too warm up high or down low or something. At any rate, I'm really hoping the power doesn't go out. It's an inconvenience in the summer, but really sucky in the winter.

- Tried 'Power Yoga' for the second time last night and it was much better. I think the class was easier but I felt better as well. Sadly, it's moving to 4:30 pm in January and I'm pretty sure that won't work. The instructor, who sorta looks like a taller buffer Lucy Liu, teaches at other studios as well so maybe I can continue.

- Went out last night to Marty's Blues Cafe in lovely Merriam. A local band was playing and one of the women who played Janis Joplin at the KC Rep earlier this year was with them. She was awesome. Not sure if she was the Janis I saw, but nonetheless a good show. And they had some good Steak and Bean Chili ...mmmm.

- And driving home I got to meet Officer Friendly from the Mission PD ( I guess ) who pulled me over for going 5 or 10 miles above the speed limit on Johnson Drive. So really, what right do they have to ask where you've been. Obviously he's out looking for drunks.

OF: So where have you been?
Me: We've been out listening to some music (true).
OF: Did you have anything to drink?
Me (heart thumping away big time): I had a couple beers (so what's a couple really ... two three four?).

So he goes back to run my license or whatever they do back there. Meanwhile, my friend reminds me that I did have just three beers and we'd been there over three hours, so it was not likely that I was impaired in any way. After a couple minutes or six hours, OF comes back and asks me to step out of the car. We go behind my car, and it's a little damn cold outside, OF points to a spot on the ground for me to stand and says that due to me saying that I had a couple drinks and the fact that he could smell alcohol (don't know how over all that effin' smoke), he was going to give me a field sobriety test and was that OK?

Me ( thinking I had read that you should never take one but not knowing what the hell that would mean): Sure.
OF: I am going to have you follow the light on my pen with your eyes, without moving your head. Do you understand?
Me: Yes.
OF: Do you wear contacts?
Me: Yes.
OF: Hard or soft?
Me: Soft.
OF: Well if you need to blink, you just let me know.

So he moves this pen thing around. I follow it. Finally, I did have to blink and told him so. He moved it from side to side and then up and down. Then he says to go have a seat in the car.

After another few minutes or hours, OF comes back with my license and insurance card and said he was giving me a verbal warning and he saw no signs of impairment so he stopped the test and buckle up and drive home safely.


I knew I wasn't hardly buzzed, let alone drunk. My god, I've driven home in far worse shape sad to say, but I sure was happy to not even get a speeding ticket. And thank goodness for the less than attentive service or I might have had another beer or two.

1 comment:

Ann and Tim said...

Holy Crap!!! OMG!! Holy Crap!!! OMG!!

Freaking scary. I am so glad you weren't like we were that night after the concert in the rain and the burritos and the rain.

OMG!!! Scary.

Perhaps you should update more often and not just when completely crazy things happen.

OMG!! Freaking Scary!