Friday, November 16, 2007


I feel kinda bad. Somehow Ann has managed to find something to write about every day in November. I will aim for a new post each day I change out my disposable contact lenses (twice a month).

I actually had to work ALOT the last couple weeks. And mostly I liked it. We got our DS3 working on our WAN and it's really sweet to hear people say things work well, instead of the usual bitching that goes on. I did not like the 3:30 a.m. call from the Helpdesk that was NOT EVEN MY PROBLEM but it happens. That's why they pay me the big bucks, right?

Took off a little early today and rode some crunchy leaves at SMP. Those deer out there have zero fear of humans. I literally almost hit one while riding. As stupid as I think hunting is, they might need to have a bow and arrow hunt out there or something because it has to be very overpopulated and there will be starving deer this winter.

Every nice day must be savored now, as each one could be the last for months. Though, really, you could cycle through much of the KC winter if you weren't a big baby like I am about being cold on my bike.

It's hard to believe it is nearly Thanksgiving. Last year, I made a traditional dinner of chicken burritos in the Crock Pot. This year, I'm thinking enchiladas, but with green sauce, and in the oven, not slow cooker. I may go to the Plaza Lighting and there's a chance I may score a grandstand ticket for the festivities.

And I am taking the whole four days off. Many years, I like to go in on Friday, since no one is there and I can leave early anyway to catch the CU-Husker game. I will not enter any retail establishment for the entire weekend.

1 comment:

Ann and Tim said...

I bet you a dollar that you go in a retail establishment.