Sunday, June 17, 2007


For what it's worth, don't wait around all day in the house (mostly), working (babysitting server maintenance) and think you will go running later in the day. I had nearly lost all motivation and needed to wait until 6 before it was somewhat cooler (8 would have been better, given the heat).

But I made it out the door. Actually given the 86 degree temp and the fact that the sun is still pretty high in the sky at 6 on June 17, I felt pretty good. Almost 40 minutes around Loose Park and back.

I will never appreciate air conditioning as much as I do after a run like that.

Then I made a vat of sausage, spinach and veggie spaghetti.

Oh! And tonight I hear cicadas (or locusts or whatever they are) outside. I LOVE that sound. That means it is really and truly summer.


Ann and Tim said...

86 in Kansas City is always so much hotter than 86 here!

Good run!

Ann and Tim said...

Are you ever going to post again?

Mary said...

damn, I'm working on it ...