Saturday, July 14, 2007

hot run

I didn't get going too early and I didn't want to wait around and run later, so I went out at about 1 pm, when it was nearly 90 and very sunny. A course that usually takes 39 minutes took 43 but that's OK. Better to walk a little than have heatstroke. I think I'm building a heat tolerance. The first 20 minutes were OK.

Then I went to see 'La Vie en Rose' a movie about the life of Edith Piaf. My latent Francophilism is stirring up, with watching the Tour and seeing this movie. Next year, bike tour through France. None of this silly training for triathlons. Well, maybe some of it. But I would love to do a week long tour on bike. The movie was a little ... grim. I really didn't know anything about her before. She had a bit of a tragic life and died at 47. It was a very French movie .. it just sorta ended. No over the top Hollywoodish emotions, no neat little package at the end.

1 comment:

Ann and Tim said...

That's hot. I hope it isn't that hot here when we run....but it might be.

I think a bike tour sounds awesome. Think how much you could eat each night!!